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A collection of some of the best self portraits I took today.

It’s incredible how easy modern technology makes taking self-portraits. Years ago there were no built in timers, and certainly no monitors in which one could make sure you were in frame. I love how accessible the process has become. I couldn’t have imagined as a kid how easy and affordable photography is now.

As a college art student, i didn’t take photography because I thought the film, paper, and chemicals would be too expensive. While I love all things analog, the digital era is nothing short of mind blowing!

If you’d told me then about the internet or platforms like this one, my brain would have shorted out! It’s a really incredible time to be an artist. I can share my art with the world, and find people that are genuinely interested in my work. Thank you so much for being here!




I took two photography classes and a film production class the first time through college. I learned with 35 mm film B&W and color and 16mm motion picture film and eventually videotape. Every shot had to count as I didn't want to waste film...The summer of 1977 I worked as a photographer intern at a TV station in Green Bay, Wisconsin. There mostly I used 16 mm film, once in a while on weekends, I got to use videotape. I do remember the days in the darkroom processing my negatives, slides or 16 mm film. Keep sharing, please!


Rachael did you take down one of your pictures?? Also my comment is gone now. Have a great weekend!!!