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Simon Said - Rewatch.mp4

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I have a completely unrelated SPN question for anyone to answer. I'm posting it here in hopes it gets seen. Lol I'm rewatching Shelley's reactions to s14 and in EP 2 we see Michael looking in a mirror facing Dean, and Dean does tell him to get out. Michael says no, I own you and punches the mirror. Why didn't he HAVE to leave when Dean said that? I mean, we saw that when Gadreel possessed Sam, and Crowley went in and told him what was happening, Sam told Gadreel in his mind to get out, and Gadreel had to. Why didn't Michael have to leave? (I do understand that later Dean makes the decision to imprison Michael in his mind, I always took it that he did that so he couldn't possess someone else and just continue on his quest for world domination. But why didn't a direct order to get out work on Michael? Was it ever explained?)


Archangels are stronger than other angels. Dean can’t kick Michael out because he’s too strong, but with strong will Dean imprisons him so he can’t control Dean anymore. Sam couldn’t expel Lucifer, either. Or, at least, he didn’t try to because that wasn’t the goal, but seeing him beating Dean and the impala (and the the memories it brought back), Sam was able to wrestle back control and jump into the cage with Lucifer locked inside him.

Josh Poulton

Damn lol she's rewatching all of them