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Salvation - Rewatch.mp4

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Yasmin H

Vampire-wise, I think the implication was Jenny got Dean's scent for life which is why she tracked him down in the series finale (NB. I think Dead Man's Blood is a hybrid episode, personally). I think the demon lore in Season 1 was shaky and they sorted it out in Season 2 and beyond. I had never noticed the line you stopped on - that Meg was either a demon or possessed by one (Crowley is a demon who was a man called Fergus, possessing the body of a literary agent from NYC, if memory serves!). I do remember in Devil's Trap when Bobby tells Dean not to exorcise Meg as it would 'kill her'. Which didn't make sense to me when I watched it in 2007 and has never made sense to me in the umpteen rewatches since! And Sam agrees with Bobby - and Dean was the only one being sensible and saying they were going to release the poor girl Meg Masters from being possessed, even if that meant she died - I am not sure we ever got Meg's actual name (though we do find out she's Azazel's daughter and the random with her is her brother) BTW your reaction when John was telling Dean that he should have picked up the phone and told John when Dean found out Sam had his visions and Dean turned around and you were like 'Git 'im!' So cute! But your point about John not needing to go off on a wild goose chase never struck me before, either. Would John really not be where Azazel was going to be after chasing him for so long? This is why I love rewatching with you :) But, John annoys me in this episode. It reminds me of what Soulless Sam says in 6.02 when Dean was taking care of that baby and Soulless Sam was giving Dean shit about having Lisa and Ben on lockdown and Dean was like this is temporary and Sam was like, "Dad always said it was temporary, Dean. He said it for 22 years." That's what I have always felt about John. Mary was the REASON he did what he did to his children, but that is not an EXCUSE. John chose to sacrifice his living children and their lives and safety for the memory of his dead wife. And the fact that he loved his children makes that fact no better. In fact, in some ways it makes it worse. Love does not negate abuse. I understand his choice, but I don't agree with it. He prioritised the dead over the living. And sacrificed his baby and pre-schooler for his obsession. And like you said, sacrificing himself for Dean in the end was a choice John made, because of other choices. And one grand gesture does not make up for a lifetime of falling short. Living for someone is infinitely more difficult than dying for them. And Dean is the counterpoint to that way of living. Which is one of the reasons I fell in love with him. Him saying that if finding Yellow Eyes meant Sam dying then he hoped they never found him. *cue heart breaking in two*


Forgot to add... I loved Provenance. I think mainly because I loved Sarah and really enjoyed seeing her interactions with Sam. I am 150% a Dean girl... and usually prefer Dean focused episodes a bit more, but I really liked this one anyway.


"Living for someone is infinitely more difficult than dying for them." loooooooove this so much. "And Dean is the counterpoint to that way of living. Which is one of the reasons I fell in love with him." SAME!!!!!!!