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Season 7 Wrap Up.mp4

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Demijan Omeragic

This was really enjoyable to watch. As for Mulder "wanting" to get abducted, I don't think that's what they tried to say. He was merely influenced by the ship once he passed through the barrier. You can see that he was almost like hypnotized. So once he was there, past the energy field, he was under an influence of the ship, drawing him to it. When he saw the Alien Bounty Hunter you can see he is starting to slowly "wake up" / come to his senses... but at that point it's already too late. I am very excited about season eight, and call I can say is... avoid spoilers.

Demijan Omeragic

This might be an unpopular opinion, but "The Lone Gunmen" TV series, based on several friends who have seen it, is supposed to be an absolute cringefest. I was told by at least two people not to watch it. I have no clue though, so, you might like it. Obviously there are some fans of it. Now if we're talking about Chris Carter's other shows, I am a huge fan of "Harsh Realm" and "Millennium". Nonetheless, both are two completely different worlds in terms of content, compared to The X-Files. I have them on DVD and I'm a big fan of both.

Wolfgang Engel

I mean, it's not more a cringefest than season 7 of The X Files. 😅 Nah, it has some really well done episodes, wich are diving deeper into the characters, than the X Files could do. And the ratings for The Lone Gunmen were even better than for the 9th X Files season, for obvious reasons I can't spoiler. So actually there wasn't really a good reason for the cancellation, beside the Fox executives weren't really supporting the project. However, the critics for TLG were really good. It's kind of a conspiracy comedy, and it didn't meet every fans expectations though. It's not dark like Millennium, not even X Files dark. It was like a series with every episode having The X Files comedy tone. And the cameos alone (beside our 3 geeks) are worth it. If you liked "Unusual suspects" and "Three of a kind" you'll probably like the series.