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The Rupture - Full Version.mp4

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rose mnor

Such a great reaction, Shelley, to an excellent episode ... lol at your 54.20 min mark "and I'm like 'divorce arc' hahaha ain't that cute they're going through a divorce ... BIIITCHH !!!... THEY WENT THROUGH A DIVORCE!!!" ... is so funny I can't even ... My computer went kaput the day before this reaction dropped. Fortunately, I can still watch it but I cannot comment due to my mobile limitations. My computer's back and now I can, yay! ... they're long so I'll put some of them in the reply ... and they're DeanCas heavy, so, yada ... yada ... - So this episode is written by Robert "Bobo" Berens and directed by Charles Beeson, who gave us The French Mistake ... and Bobo wrote this following closely the emotional fallout from the E1418 Absence. We had a momentary reprieve but now we are going to face head-on the fallout between Dean and Cas, and what a moment it was ... - a tiny digression here ... Misha's uneven gaits during these episodes were so obvious around this time ... he would eventually undergo his first hip replacement surgery during the winter holidays in Dec '19, i.e. after the mid-season finale. Such a difference after both hip replacement surgeries - watching his steady, and proud strides in Gotham Knights wearing his exceptionally fine and body-fitting wardrobes ... okay moment over ... moving on ... - Cas very early in the plan already cast his doubt about Belphagor and clearly frustrated with Dean's insensitivity in disregarding his objections to working with Belphagor, a continuity brought again from episode 1. And from the get-go, he put forward to the gang his suspicions about Bel's plans ... In the episode's script (Pink Draft), pg 11/51, DEAN : Cass'll go. On Cass. That's the last thing he wants to do -- he made clear to Dean how he felt about BeI in Ep. 1501. Off Cas's look-- DEAN : You've been to HeIl. Thrown by Dean's insensitivity-- frustrated, boxed in CASTIEL : Seems like I don't have a choice (then, re: BeI) You realize-- this is all his idea it serves his agenda. Whatever that is. via link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vh-G5bBlphE78l9f_6wkhvbVeNVNxrOA/view - I enjoyed so much Cas and Belphagor's scenes. They both were such a delight - Alex's performance against Misha is so good, he is having so much fun .. his smirking and pushing and needling Cas ... but then that smiting happened, and during the aftermath scene with Dean when he reached the top side, the script emphasized that Cas was traumatized by it - he went silent - too shaken and couldn't defend himself to Dean, and his silence only drove Dean's anger ... as per the stage directions for these scenes, from the said script pg 34-36/51. - Such a fantastic scene between Samwena ... I remembered a fan revealed on sm about her auto session encounter with Ruthie before this episode aired, that she loves that relationship, and Ruthie said that the fan would then surely like an oncoming moment in a future episode, meaning this one. I loved that Ruthie knew that many of us liked that relationship a lot ... - That ending scene, I was stunned watching it live with my hand covering my mouth, tears down my cheeks ... I couldn't believe it watching my tv ... - apparently, Jensen changed a lot of the emotional beats according to Bobo, and he made the scene so much better ... - I appreciate Jensen so much for using his body language - Dean looks down and only looks up again in stubborn defiance when Cas says he can't even look at him ... to communicate his silent regret after that harsh "Why that something always happen to be you" his eyes going rapidly left and right, bobbing his head sideways which I took as 'it's complicated' to Cas's "you still blame me for Mary", and his facial reaction and his "Where are you going..." upon realizing that Cas is going away because of their fight ... arghh ... it elevated that scene so high with nuance and jumbled emotions instead of just harsh wordplay as per OG script, and it hurts so much ...

rose mnor

Bobo did a live tweet on the night of the episode, here are some of highlights, via link: https://twitter.com/robertberens/status/1187564189398683649 - For the record, Cass was scripted to have his song cut off mid singing— but yes, we made @mishacollins sing the whole thing. #Supernatural - The scene between Cass and Dean changed a lot collaboratively from draft to draft, well into production. It was a lengthy process. But even in editing it shifted— in part because Jensen is able to say so much *without* words. Masterful. And heartbreaking. #Supernatural - As originally written, the scene was sadder— but less harsh. Then it got *really* harsh. I felt it was important that Dean admit he knows Mary’s death wasn’t Cass’s fault... there were conversations, it got softer again. But in editing the scene played strongest with fewer words. - What @Johnnyfitz006 was able to do— using Jensen’s performance to communicate nuances of anger and regret— was really masterful. My extra words were less impactful than just letting the staging and performance communicate the scene. There are some sublime cuts in that sequence.

Kristin Dorner

Oof, this episode. So much happened and it all hurt😭 I’m bummed that Belphagor is dead. Alex did such a great job with that character and I wanted to know more about him (ESPECIALLY after Ardad’s “Do you have any idea what he is?!” Like what the heck was that?!) Like you I am so glad they are out of that town. The first two episodes made me so nervous when they premiered, but thank goodness for Bobo Berens! Losing Rowena devastated me😭 She was such a dynamic, complex character. I totally get those who ship her and Sam romantically, but personally I see their relationship as more mentor/student or even more familial, with Rowena as a motherly figure. For me, what happens hurts so much more and is so much more poetic and tragic when viewed through that lens. Sam has always felt a little responsible for Mary’s death (both of them: one bc she died while Azazel was prepping him for his destiny and the 2nd bc he was the first one who saw Jack as “just a kid”and tried to convince Dean that they should save him.) (+)

Kristin Dorner

And in the beginning of S13, he had that little argument with Dean about how Mary always called Dean and went to Dean for everything, so he’s never really felt a strong maternal connection with Mary or rather FROM Mary. Juxtapose that with how Rowena pretty much always contacts Sam first, takes him under her wing in teaching him witchcraft and continues to rely on and trust him despite KNOWING that he was going to be the bringer of her real, permanent death. Add to that Rowena’s episodes in the beginning of S13 of her trying to get Death to bring back Crowley and her showing so much regret for how their mother/son relationship was. And to have Sam finally get that maternal relationship and then having to INTENTIONALLY kill her?! That poor guy NEVER catches a break!