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Moriah - Full Version.mp4

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Yeh Dean is proven over and over and I hate seeing ppl trash him for thinking the way he was brought up to think… he thrives in trauma bc his whole life has been that way… ppl forget that same grew up more emotional and more choices bc Dean took care of him… made sure he knew those things… spent his childhood parenting his brother… always being there for him and handling the problems before they got to Sam growing up. Of course everything in deans head when it comes to duty … and orders.. he’s a soldier… he’s at his wits end he’s grieving and his grief comes out as anger…. So they’ve been spinning without any idea what to do… and chuck sets down a way to protect the world.. and the ppl he loves even if he has to die to do it. Sam has done the same thing multiple times..also bc that’s what they do. However of course being there looking at jacks face… the huge caring, loving and compassionate heart takes over… ppl never try to understand where deans coming from or why he’s thinking the way he’s thinking… which is odd bc he’s very consistent lol too stubborn… but he always comes around. Deans actually one of the most loyal characters in the show… his sense of duty … it’s very strong .


Such an epic episode!!! Can’t say i expected the maniac laughing after jacks death and the boys being surrounded by a zombie army lol but we all react differently! Super fun but also so sad.