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Jack in the Box - Full Version.mp4

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I remember the time I watched this and I had to just turn it off because it was too painful and moving at breakneck speed to trample my heart. Still have that feeling but I am a little angrier at why the showrunners/writers took these big swings without fleshing out the arcs, emotions and thought processes to then get to a point that I wanted to know who these new one dimensional characters were on this show I loved for years. Where were the guys I painstakingly followed through brutal stories over so many years? Doesn't change how much I loved the earlier seasons but it's a rinse/repeat that has hollowed the SPN found family by assassinating their characters to me-so-angry Dean, pushover Sam and well...Cas used to do things other than pep talks like a den mom and the obligatory trip to heaven every couple of episodes even when they never really help and it only makes everything worse. Cas is supposed to be Jack's father but he disappears for multiple episodes during his most traumatic phases and if we go off the 'he is 2 years old' crap - why is Lucifer there when Jack asks for his mother's help? Duma finds Jack seconds after Castiel assumes heaven will help but doesn't look himself, he just returns to tell Sam and Dean that update? Why won't he pray to Jack like they do? Why doesn't he think to do that when he updates them ever? This is so painfully drawn out and contrived! It is a testament to the actors and their chemistry in/outside of this show that allows me to hold on to the beautiful memories versus these shells I buy as much as AU Bobby being likeable or Mary being a good mother.