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Dallas Con 2023, Part I.mp4

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Sharon Owen

That was definitely one of the better Misha panels in recent times. It's always fun when it goes off the rails! A lot of the recent ones have the same questions/answers (there are some J2 panels like that too) When Jensen sang that night. I randomly woke up at 3/4am UK time and I went on twitter and it's the first thing I saw... I did not get much sleep that night lol. And yes - I worked on Limitless for a bit. Never got to meet Chris though :( I was working from the office sending out people on recces and meetings with him prior to them filming. As well as organising a lot of the pre medical tests. My friend Emma who I met on there worked on it for the few years it took to make. (I also hired a PA who she is now dating, so I like to think of myself as a matchmaker lol). I worked on it in 2019 and it got released in 2022 lol. The Pandemic didn't help lol.


When Misha's panels derail like this it's always the best XD When I was at Purgatory Convention last week, someone handed out selfmade bracelets with quotes and stuff on them and I got one that says "SOB". Now everytime I look at it I also think of Jensen singing the song.