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Nightmare Logic - Full Version.mp4

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Rosanne Stewart

I had the exact same reaction to the notion of Mary/Bobby. I felt the same when the show made vague moves in the direction of Jody/Bobby. I am not really a fan of relationships with big age gaps in general because it's always the guy who is significantly older. Once a female character makes it to 35 or so it's like she's put into the "older woman" bracket so no romantic partner is too old for her.


I don't see Sam just as a "hunter leading hunters". I see him as a Man of Letters "sharing his knowledge with a few select hunters" as Henry Winchester said their role was in S8. That episode (the whole season, really) set the course for where we are today, and perhaps where we will be going. Time will tell. ETA: I'm also not into Bobby and Mary as a couple. Give me Bobby and Ellen, Bobby and Jody or Bobby and his wife, Karen. Not Mary though...and IDGAF what the writers were hinting at. Just...no. LOL. But I do think it's funny that the writers will pair off non- main characters to prove that romance on this show is possible. "Give them what they want in a way they don't expect" is always what happens though. Assholes. LMAO.