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The Scar - Full Version.mp4

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Forgot to say don't drink everytime Jody gets her arm broken, it feels like it happens every episode she's in


Bringing Kaia back adds another layer of 'wtf' to all the other issues I have with the latter seasons. I was not a fan of her character to start off with last season, her dialogue was awful and that weird love connection to Claire felt cheap but honestly that was what the writers tried to do with all the characters including the little family at the bunker. Why did 'dark' Kaia try to kill Claire? Why and how did she open a rift that took archangel grace, spell work, etc? Why is she still here if it is not to join the failed spinoff? If you can't answer those questions, then why was she reintroduced? How is she stronger than Michael but not Dean the bloodhound who caught her off guard? These monsters are no match for her but 3 seasoned hunters are seconds from death only to be saved by the Sith Lord/Neo/Mary Sue? Still can't stand that they turned Dean into a guy who bullies kids with guns. The same dude who always connects to younger kids (since season 1, episode 3), troubled teens, raised his brother, was a father figure to Ben, and has the most connections to guest appearances. Now that is all writing too but I see Dean's hunter and personal lifestyle is what makes him more open to those whereas Sam has always been more separate and prefers to distinguish between the two. It's like they show Sam as a strong leader but when Dean comes back we see some level of being a silent pushover which is something he has never been even as a kid. I like that they grow but it's a massive regression that seems to only be done to rachet up drama which sadly reduces them both to caricatures of their first impressions.