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Ye Who Enter Here - Full Version.mp4

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I love this episode! Skye seeing May and Coulson as her parents is the cutest thing, and makes so much sense! The whole opening dream sequence is very cool, and kind of Buffyesque? That show loved a good dream sequence. I loved all the Fitzsimmons stuff in this one too, although it’s painful to see them so fractured! It’s understandable that Fitz doesn’t want to be near her right now, I think he feels rejected on both counts (that she left, that she doesn’t feel the same), although like you said, they should stay together as they clearly need each other! I don’t think he’s trying to punish her though, I think he genuinely finds it harder to talk and work when she’s around. They definitely need to have another proper conversation though. All the Skye stuff is really kicking off now! I can’t wait for you to see how it progresses! I love your reactions to this show!

Christopher simeon

Love the dream sequence. 33 is back and the mask she has on is burned onto her face. Coulson and Fury share a lot of similarities and coulson even mentions to skye how he tries to think like him. There is a reason coulson was given directorship and that is because fury sees himself in coulson. But coulson also has differences from fury and sacrificing life is never his first option.

Ian Fleming

Great reaction. And we finally get the "K" word spoken aloud. And with it we get the connective tissue between AoS and the 2019 Captain Marvel movie. In that film Carol Danvers is mortally wounded and brought back from the dead using Yon-Rogg's Kree blood. While it's not in the finished film, you can see the Kree blood transfusion scene in one of the early Captain Marvel trailers. I think that we can surmise that, upon hearing Carol Danvers' story, Nick Fury and Phil Coulson set about testing to see if the Kree corpse SHIELD had held in storage since WWII could yield similar results: In reviving fallen members of Fury's Avengers Initiative.