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Season 13 Wrap Up.mp4

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Lauran Mitchell

No show runner ever had full "power" because of Singer, so I am hesitant to blame any one person for the show's shortcomings. Singer did some good things, but also caused some problems with visions other folks might have had for the show. That said--I think full rewatches of a few beloved episodes per season and binge watching the rest on your own time is a great idea. Not to mention, all the con footage you will soon be able to watch with spoilers not being an issue!


I always said supernatural would've benefited from becoming an ensamble cast, like truly an ensamble cast, not just in seasons posters but in the actual show, but that was probably not gonna happen knowing how small the budget is and how big of a chunk J2 require if you want to keep them which naturally increased every season, also the real people in charge (producers & show runners) are older straight white men who don't like change, if it's not broken why fix it, and honestly many of the GA also doesn't like change, it really became so obviouse how refusing to change and grow started hurting the story and quality, there are only too many stories that you can tell with only two main characters, no other character had a real chance. I agree that the widower arc in the first 5 episodes of this season felt like building up to dean realizing his feelings for cas but as usual supernatural always comes so close to getting there then backpedal so hard that it gives you whiplash and makes you question your sanity, dean saying "imagine you, me and cas toes in the sand on a beach somewhere" dean truly can't imagine a happy future without cas in it 🥺, the fact that after tombstone they just threw cas in a cell and moved on like he didn't exist, i was so excited for cas & Jack's relationship but that too was sacrificed for plot, i don't really connect with the au versions of our favorite characters that much, why introduce an au bobby when we could follow up on what our bobby is doing! Last we saw him he was in trouble in heaven so how about we follow up on that especially now that we know heaven is fucked? They really thought they could just give us an au version of charlie as a consolation prize after they butchered our charlie? Nah didn't work for me, i appreciate the effort but too little too late.


I've been catching up on your SPN reactions and its been a joy to rewatch the episodes through your eyes. I really hope you like s14 and s15 - they're my favourite seasons! I know that's not a popular opinion but I think they are the most coherent (cohesive?) seasons since since s4-5 (if you put 15.20 in a box on its own). After SPN there's the Winchesters to look forward to!


I would LOVE a full rewatch, but I understand it's a big commitment. Maybe if you can't do reactions to all episodes you could show us some, and then do a revised wrap up for each season? Either way, I'm looking forward to the next two seasons!


it pains me so much that you have season 1 ranked at number 13 after seasons 6 7 11 and 13 exist 😭 season 1 holds such a special place in my heart and season 1 dean, my beloved, is just so pure. its the dean i fell in love with and the dean i saw myself in and i would literally die for him just ahh my babygirl 🥲 season 14 is gonna be a ride and i hope you're ready 😅

rose mnor

Great wrap-up review, Shelley ... For what it's worth, I think the lack of Jack in the middle of the season was because (imo) TPTB was waiting to see the audience's reaction to this new character. It was a risky venture to introduce a new character in a 13-year, very long and already established 3-main character show, and they needed to know that it was going to work for the show. Looking back, Jack was in episodes 1-4, 6, 9, 14, and then there was a long gap until 20-23 - a total of 11 episodes. When this season premiered in Oct 2017, they were at that time filming episode 9 - The Bad Place, which was the mid-season finale. And normally around this time, the story had already been broken but not yet filmed, up to maybe around 11-13 episodes. ... and Alex kicked ass in the season premiere and knocked the role out of the park ... but should it not work out, Jack might have been killed off in ep. 14 Good Intention, maybe, lol ... As for Season 14, whoa boy, buckle up as there will obviously and definitely be bad consequences for Jack's loss of grace and Michael's possession of Dean all season long ... cannot wait to watch them with you ... As for your rewatch reaction, gosh, anything is okay by me I guess (there are great suggestions already posted here by others) since I only watch your SPN reactions and occasionally SPN fan content videos .... others not so much. So, I thought there's no harm in asking whether we might still continue getting SPN rewatch/reaction videos after you finish the series. However and whatever arrangement is convenient for you, know that it is very much appreciated ...


I am glad to see that the big empty is your favorite episode because it's written by Meredith Glynn which i 💯 believe is *the* strongest writer in the dabb era which explains why kripke snatched her for the boys season 3. Michael!dean looks like he belongs to the set of peaky blinders but got thrown in supernatural by accident, why is he wearing this hat 🤣


Here is the bullet point list I kept while watching your video Agree: - surprised I loved Jack immediately in this season - 13 better than 11 and 12 - more Christian Keyes - didn’t like Lucifer storyline -rowena redemption arc is a good idea -Gabriel’s return and the connection with Sam was fan service (and mayb cast service, too) Other comments: -13.05 is my #1 -don’t react to all SPN again. Maybe just give us a recap of your thoughts at the end of each season during your rewatch, if you feel like it. Or really whenever you feel like it…every 5 season, every change in showrunner…whenever you have something you wanna share. And if you want to do a reaction to your favorites or maybe one that ins a poll…cool.


hey! me too! i think s8 miiiight beat them out at times but i love 14 and 15. i think they improve in hindsight as well, since the arcs and themes are so long and require a lot of patience for the payoff.

Amye Sabin

Don't be upset about being annoyed with Lucifer. <b>We all</b> were annoyed with the characteer this season!<p></p> <p>My favorite episode is probably 'Scoobynatural', and it's okay for the reasons you chose it not to be. But oddly, I also really like 'The Thing'. It was a nice trick that Sam's kidnappers were actually the good guys. Then again, I also liked 'A Most Holy Man' for the nuances of the Noir genre. And Massi Furlan as Father Luca was fabulous. This is probably my favorite season of the latter five. </p> <p>While I know there are some fans that dislike S14, I happen to really like it. So you probably won't, since we disagree on things like Ketch's redemption, S11 finale, Chuck/God. LOL But I'm hoping you find enjoyment no matter what.</p>

Amye Sabin

Karen, my paragraph keys (the 'p', 'b', 'i'' etc) aren't working. Did Patreon change anything? If you could help I'd appreciate it. Thanx!


I’m not sure what you mean by the p,b,i though I know when I am on desktop I have to hold down either the ‘shift’ or ‘command’ key in order to make a paragraph when I hit ‘return’ key

Amye Sabin

I figured it out. Patreon no longer accepts hypertext codes. But thank you.

Sarai (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-20 09:03:09 Hi Shelley, this is super late but thanks for sharing your thoughts! We are not the same … on many points. Lol. But that’s totally fine. I’m very late to the conversation, but I’d like to add a few of my thoughts. It’s so funny how different our (fans in general) opinions can be. I like some episodes this season, but I don’t really like Season 13 overall since the negatives outweigh the positives for me (too much Lucifer, Colonel Sanders, wasted Gabriel, the way the AU is done). I like Jack, I like that we got more of Sam’s feelings on things, I like Rowena’s use in this season, and I like that Sam and Dean didn’t have massive personal drama with each other, and that they tried to cheer each other up. I like the earlier seasons better than the later ones, but I am done with them having huge beef with each other. I like that they have mostly been on the same page for a while now, with smaller disagreements. No epic fights. I actually like both Seasons 11 and 14 better. I don’t really judge my favourites by the overall plot, but more the number of episodes I like and how much I like them in a season. I don’t know how people can keep a set order of favourite seasons since mine seem to change with researches or moods, but to this point I think for me it’s: 2,5,4,3,1 - 6/8,11,10, - 9,7,12/13 (I’m not so sure about the last 5). EDIT TO ADD: I agree with a lot of people that you should get to experience binging the seasons, but if you’d like to share a video on your overall thoughts on the seasons, and maybe pick a few to rewatch with us that would be cool.
2023-04-20 00:39:31 Hi Shelley, this is super late but thanks for sharing your thoughts! We are not the same … on many points. Lol. But that’s totally fine. I’m very late to the conversation, but I’d like to add a few of my thoughts. It’s so funny how different our (fans in general) opinions can be. I like some episodes this season, but I don’t really like Season 13 overall since the negatives outweigh the positives for me (too much Lucifer, Colonel Sanders, wasted Gabriel, the way the AU is done). I like Jack, I like that we got more of Sam’s feelings on things, I like Rowena’s use in this season, and I like that Sam and Dean didn’t have massive personal drama with each other, and that they tried to cheer each other up. I like the earlier seasons better than the later ones, but I am done with them having huge beef with each other. I like that they have mostly been on the same page for a while now, with smaller disagreements. No epic fights. I actually like both Seasons 11 and 14 better. I don’t really judge my favourites by the overall plot, but more the number of episodes I like and how much I like them in a season. EDIT TO ADD: I agree with a lot of people that you should get to experience binging the seasons, but if you’d like to share a video on your overall thoughts on the seasons, and maybe pick a few to rewatch with us that would be cool.

Hi Shelley, this is super late but thanks for sharing your thoughts! We are not the same … on many points. Lol. But that’s totally fine. I’m very late to the conversation, but I’d like to add a few of my thoughts. It’s so funny how different our (fans in general) opinions can be. I like some episodes this season, but I don’t really like Season 13 overall since the negatives outweigh the positives for me (too much Lucifer, Colonel Sanders, wasted Gabriel, the way the AU is done). I like Jack, I like that we got more of Sam’s feelings on things, I like Rowena’s use in this season, and I like that Sam and Dean didn’t have massive personal drama with each other, and that they tried to cheer each other up. I like the earlier seasons better than the later ones, but I am done with them having huge beef with each other. I like that they have mostly been on the same page for a while now, with smaller disagreements. No epic fights. I actually like both Seasons 11 and 14 better. I don’t really judge my favourites by the overall plot, but more the number of episodes I like and how much I like them in a season. EDIT TO ADD: I agree with a lot of people that you should get to experience binging the seasons, but if you’d like to share a video on your overall thoughts on the seasons, and maybe pick a few to rewatch with us that would be cool.