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Season 13 - Behind the Scenes.mp4

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rose mnor

That was highly entertaining! ... thank you, Shelley and Karen.


I didn't have an issue with dean leaving sam's body because like Jared said i knew he would come back for him like he did in red meat, i just trusted cas when he said Sam was gone & dean did too, there was no need to question if he's dead after cas said that because cas went into the cave & saw sam's dead body, cas would never leave Sam if he was still alive or if he could save him unfortunately it was too late for Sam so he preceded to save dean by stopping him from running into a nest of vamps. Loved this reaction & great job, Karen i loved everything in this video


Great s13 bts content video! I love that panel where they talk about the oil rigs and the accent. It's so funny. That last question with the various accents is also amazing. Not s13 related, but in the same panel where Jensen and Jared talk about Danneel working with Mark P., there is also a bit where Jared tries to relate to a german fan and ends up with a couple of fails, to Jensen's great amusement of course. And I have rewatched that bit so many times I recognised the panel here immediately, even though I've never watched the panel as a whole (just because of one word Jared says here that is a call back to his german fail and because I kinda recognised their outfits XD).

Sharon Owen

Great content Karen! I loved that last question with the accents!

Hasnaa (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-14 03:18:39 I really cringe at these how do you feel about mark p "sleeping with your wife" questions coz no one ever asked danneel how she feels about dean's sex scenes, for some weird reason some people think that Jensen owns danneel or something, they both are actors, he doesn't control her just like she doesn't control him, she makes her own decisions & it's her job to act what's in the pages just like Jensen, i felt the same cringe when someone asked Jensen how he felt about danneel having naked scenes in ten inch hero, they weren't even together then & people still felt like he should've felt something about it or had a say in it 🤦🏻‍♀️ i don't see anyone asking danneel how she feels about Jensen's butt being on tv as soldier boy 🤷🏻‍♀️ i hate the double standards with actors & actresses
2023-04-10 10:25:37 I really cringe at these how do you feel about mark p "sleeping with your wife" questions coz no one ever asked danneel how she feels about dean's sex scenes, for some weird reason some people think that Jensen owns danneel or something, they both are actors, he doesn't control her just like she doesn't control him, she makes her own decisions & it's her job to act what's in the pages just like Jensen, i felt the same cringe when someone asked Jensen how he felt about danneel having naked scenes in ten inch hero, they weren't even together then & people still felt like he should've felt something about it or had a say in it 🤦🏻‍♀️ i don't see anyone asking danneel how she feels about Jensen's butt being on tv as soldier boy 🤷🏻‍♀️ i hate the double standards with actors & actresses

I really cringe at these how do you feel about mark p "sleeping with your wife" questions coz no one ever asked danneel how she feels about dean's sex scenes, for some weird reason some people think that Jensen owns danneel or something, they both are actors, he doesn't control her just like she doesn't control him, she makes her own decisions & it's her job to act what's in the pages just like Jensen, i felt the same cringe when someone asked Jensen how he felt about danneel having naked scenes in ten inch hero, they weren't even together then & people still felt like he should've felt something about it or had a say in it 🤦🏻‍♀️ i don't see anyone asking danneel how she feels about Jensen's butt being on tv as soldier boy 🤷🏻‍♀️ i hate the double standards with actors & actresses

Susan Stork

I agree with Samantha Smith and you Shelley, there should have been an on screen scene between Ketch and Mary. I like Ketch in season 13, and I have no issue with them redeeming him. But to not have at least one scene with him and Mary is wrong. They made it such a big storyline in season 12, that what Mary just totally forgot about it in season 13. I know she's not a main character, but I still would have liked to have seen something. Not forgiveness from her, but rather acknowledgement from him that he was so very wrong. But overall this is still a favorite season of mine. Wow, just 40 episodes left. How does that feel? ☺