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Update 4/19/23: Hey, my schedule flipped on me, so I've moved my vacation up a week. All episodes this month are still on the schedule just moved back a week. Sorry, see y'all in a week!


Update 4/9/23: Hey SPN people, I'm not quite prepared enough to do the wrap up today. I haven't had the time to review the season like I want to before commenting on and ranking it. I switched the season ending fan content to today and moved the wrap up to Wednesday. Should be out here soon, sorry!


Light schedule for April. Sorry, lots going on, but everyone gets at least three! ❤️



Ian Fleming

AoS mid-season finale before your vacation? Sounds good to me. Have a great time, when it comes. In fact, why wait? Have a great time right now. :D


No worries on the change in SPN schedule. Completely understandable if you need more time to get your thoughts in order regarding the season. There is a lot to cover!! If you are ready for Wednesday, great. Otherwise next weekend is fine also.

Leticia Pierce

No worries!!! Enjoy your vacation!!! You deserve it !!!!


Glad your vacation came earlier, but the wait for AoS 2x10 is gonna kill me now lol. Oh well, at least we get to see the aftermath quicker…😄