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Episode 36 - Full Version.mp4

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Rosanne Stewart

You are so right about the heat between Blake and Mary. There is far and away more chemistry there than there is with Gillingham. I don't dislike the man but he's just not that interesting. I loved Anna's delayed irritation with the woman at the chemist's shop. "I'm tempted to go back tomorrow and order a baker's dozen." Baxter is such a great character. She just has a core of honesty in her. She refuses to make excuses for her past and she's very clear about who she was then and who she is now. Molesley is having a hard time with it, poor guy. Thomas is his own worst enemy. He simply doesn't know how else to approach the world. Mr. Drew is the name of the farmer and yes, he is simply an idiot for not telling his wife the truth. Maybe she has a bad habit of gossiping or something. And yay for Daisy getting her confidence back about her learning. Miss Bunting is obviously a good teacher, even if her manners are not the best.