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Beat the Devil - Full Version.mp4

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I always see people saying that cas's reaction to sam's death here is out of character or cold but honestly his reaction isn't far from sam's reaction to cas's death in last season's finale, CAS dragging dean away from Sam's corps is exactly the same as Sam dragging dean away from cas launching at lucifer in last season's finale, i don't get why one reaction gets unfairly treated more harshly than the other, plus cas looked very sad & he's always been more emotionally subdued than Sam & dean, it's absolutely in character for him to be practical & see the big picture & protect dean from himself when he's being reckless, i also don't think it was out of character for dean to leave Sam's body to save two humans with every intention to come back to get his body coz that's exactly what happened in red meat which was also written by the same writer Robert berens so i don't get how the same people who absolutely love red meat hate this episode coz it's literally the same plot


If it makes you feel any better, I think people here were mostly dunking on the logical fallacy of the writers in this particular episode, not on Cas or how Misha played it. 💕 The idea is sound; it was just better written in Red Meat -- better "execution," to borrow Shelley's phrasing.


I know I've seen pieces of a script that have a much clearer picture of how everything in the tunnel was supposed to play out. From my first watch, I was yelling at the screen, arguing with what I was seeing. Eventually I blamed bad editing and a time crush to finish filming. I have seen Jensen talk about it and how Dean would have never left Sam that easily. I also blame portions of this season's episode laser focused on creating emotional impact with some ' pay no attention to the man behind the curtain' woo-woo crap or 'insert suspended disbelief here' in order to reach the scene in their head that is their end target. Dont get me wrong, I really enjoy this episode; Dean just knew the shoe was going to fall and he was right. Jensen did what was asked of him and oh my god, his eyes as they entered the rebel camp, it was all there without a word spoken. Jared too, everything he was struggling with because of all his history with Lucifer and his fear that he may be the person who opens the door to Jack's fall to the dark side because he is bringing the devil to him. And no, Lucy is not his father where it counts. Jack has 3 dad's and we all know who they are. I love the culmination of events that bring everyone together again and the possible outcomes but they really needed to take a better, finely tuned vehicle to arrive. 🤔🫣

Courtney Vial

I have such a hard time with this season. There's far too much focus on Lucier and I despise the character. Granted, I don't like Mark P at all either, so that is part of it, but I feel that episodes like this just miss the mark. The episode was sloppily done and I didn't feel some of it was true to character. Dean would NEVER leave Sam in a vamp nest. He just wouldn't.


Minor entertaining quips, chock full of obvious 'twists' and out of character choices really blew this season's gusto down. - Who didn't see Lucifer escaping through the portal? - Last time he portal jumped, Lucifer was beaten down by Micheal, then he slipped restraints, pushed past multiple angels to jump back into the main universe where they used a dose vs open streamed grace. His power level fluctuates, single dose = homeless/grace stealing POS vs opened streamed = revives Sam, holds back vampires in death tunnel. - Doesn't Sam also chose rock? Makes as much sense as the angels leaving the humans to die to vampires.... - Sam death is just sad in a 'seriously wtf writing team?' - They basically beat us over the head with something bad happening to Sam, it could be seen from space starting with episodes ago, his dream, and the hopeful glee before entering that death tunnel... - Two days to Dayton? NO TIME! And Gabe, an Archangel, just scratches the warding...so Micheal never thought of that before? Or did the gang just find the super secret Sherwood forest hideaway thanks to 'screaming girl who gets people killed'?