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A Hen in the Wolf House - Full Version.mp4

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Pretty good episode, mainly for the fact that we meet the wonderful Bobbie - I LOVE her - and that we get Simmons back! Lots of stuff moving forward, won’t comment on it yet as it will be revealed/even more developed very soon. Love Coulson’s hug with Skye! Their bond has certainly been strained recently so nice to see them kind of reconcile. Also it’s funny but you seem to feel similarly to Hunter as I do - or at least used to. With time I’ve come to really appreciate him, but on first watching the show I found him to be slightly grating. I think I’m a bit hyper sensitive to that kind of archetype of English character (being English myself) which I’ve seen in quite a few American shows. Not that Hunter isn’t his own character, because he definitely is. And his dynamic with Bobbie is great, I really look forward to you seeing that! Great reaction as always!

Sean Ellingham

We know that Skye isn't her real name from the lie detector scene in The Only Light in the Darkness last season - she states the name she was given by the orphanage (and therefore presumably her legal name) was Mary Sue Poots. As for her theory that the 'writing' is a map - up until now, Skye has only had out of context samples to investigate, so this is the first time she's seen the whole picture. I love the scene of Skye's father in Whitehall's office - that moment were he wipes down the desk really sells that he's somewhat unhinged