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Destiel (again because why not?).mp4

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Rosanne Stewart

Count me in for Team Lisa. It was a doomed relationship, of course, but Dean truly loved Lisa (and Ben) and she loved him, too and I appreciated the fact that the writers didn't go the obvious route of having her be the girlfriend who tried to keep her guy away from his old life. She understood that he had to hunt, she tried to make work, and she was strong enough to acknowledge that it wasn't working and to end things without blaming Dean. Also, Season 6 had a missed opportunity The fact that Sam had been praying to Cas with no response, the explanation should have been that angels can't hear prayers from soulless people. Cas showed up when Dean prayed and it could have been assumed by all of them that it was because of the "profound bond" and that Cas just hadn't noticed Sam's prayers, and then later realized that it was Sam's lack of soul.


I really like season 6, even if it had a few episodes I consider pretty bad. The slow reveals throughout the season which still only make full sense in hindsight, was pretty clever story planning.

rose mnor

Hi Shelley, I am late to the party, just re-subscribed to your channel this month, and only now have watched this reaction video. I would like to address the topics you’ve touched on at the following timestamps on the video: 41.16 - the proof/facts that Sera had no intention of bringing back Cas 42.35 - Sera's "hate" for Cas 42.51 - Cas was gone for good For the 42.35 mark, I myself don't think that Sera hated Cas per se. It's just that she was partial to the brothers' story and thought the angel and demon plots were over and done with. She wanted to go back to the brothers' only plot line, i.e. going back to the earlier era of Supernatural. This - her choice of words - had been documented. And this left the fate of Castiel at the time uncertain and contributed partially to the ‘permanence’ rumor mills later on when there were a lot of episodes of just-the-brothers only in S7. For 41.16 and 42.51 marks, So about Sera Gamble in regards to Misha - specifically the role of Castiel. As Hasnaa pointed out in her comment above, we've only recently got the confirmation that Sera really didn't intend to bring back Cas to Supernatural from the horse's mouth - Misha - himself. Having said that, fans had already gathered and arrived at this conclusion based on a lot of behind-the-scene happenings. Of course there was no official confirmation from TPTB on this issue, we should not have expected that. I might be misremembering the specifics but off on top of my head (I'll try to cite and link sources as much as I can later since I need time to find them), those contributing factors are, 1) the S6 Supernatural Companion book - making Cas the villain/big bad since they cannot further the Sam-and-Dean "boy melodrama" anymore, which eventually took Cas out of the picture as the climax of this plot arc - it’s what normally happened to the big bads, they would have been taken out of the show. Cas to TPTB at that time was not an exception. Gamble: “Any time we could showcase Castiel was good, and we were really interested in giving that character his turn and evolving that character, because the story that he had been brought in for was finished. On our show, a lot of times, the only way to take a character to the next level is to kill him, frankly.” 2) Misha said in an article on the 200th episode: "... they were going to kill me and that we would never see me again in season 7." Collins: I was supposed to be on for three episodes, and they said, “Oh, you might do five episodes,” so they added a couple more, and then they added three more after that… Then they signed me up as a series regular and they kept me on for two years, and then they said they were going to kill me and that we would never see me again in season 7. And then they changed their minds again… 3) Misha's reaction to a fan's question in a panel during S7 regarding his situation. Disclaimer: I can't recall in what context the question was, but Misha's action remained with me and really made me uncomfortable at that time as I myself was like you, Shelley. I thought that it was temporary and wasn't aware that Cas' exit was permanent. At that time I thought his reaction was a bit inappropriate. Since then, I understand his snarkiness and sarcasm. 4) no plot arc that foreshadowed the return of Cas in S7E17 at all, as compared to lots of foreshadowing for the return of Bobby. Pretty telling since Supernatural plots relied so, so much on foreshadowing. Which heavily supported the theory that Sera did not anticipate Cas’ return beforehand. 5) Sera herself penning E17, a middle-of-the-season episode. Which was a bit out of the ordinary since Supernatural’s showrunners after Eric Kripke normally didn’t write middle-of-season episodes* unless they were mid-season finales or premieres. This raised the question of why the return of Cas needed a Sera’s ‘special touch’ unless there were unique contributing factors attached to the return itself - which fans took as ‘the network demanded it’. (* note: exception in S15 where Dabb wrote a middle-of-the-season episode and my theory was that they were short of staff writers as Steve Yockey left mid-season and Dabb had replaced him in his slot rotation). 6) the final nail in the coffin is from Misha himself recently (re-Hasnaa's comment). If and when I am able to find the links to items 1-3, I will put them in the reply.

rose mnor (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-29 22:24:41 For #2 https://variety.com/2014/tv/spotlight/supernatural-oral-history-200-episodes-ackles-padalecki-kripke-1201352537/ For #3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upwmouxnDKc Also during the above-mention con video, below is an extract of a fan's M&G with Misha - ..... he genuinely doesn't know when or how he's coming back. The most telling part of his answer, however, was that from his perspective he still doesn't really know if he's coming back. He told us he'd heard that Sera had given a press release saying Misha would be coming back to the show but that was the first he'd heard about it. The producers haven't told him anything about Castiel coming back. He said he suspects Sera just made the statement she did because she was fed up of fans asking her about him all the time. https://littlehollyleaf.livejournal.com/442248.html
2023-03-18 17:43:12 For #2 https://variety.com/2014/tv/spotlight/supernatural-oral-history-200-episodes-ackles-padalecki-kripke-1201352537/ For #3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upwmouxnDKc Also during the above-mention con video, below is an extract of a fan's M&G with Misha - ..... he genuinely doesn't know when or how he's coming back. The most telling part of his answer, however, was that from his perspective he still doesn't really know if he's coming back. He told us he'd heard that Sera had given a press release saying Misha would be coming back to the show but that was the first he'd heard about it. The producers haven't told him anything about Castiel coming back. He said he suspects Sera just made the statement she did because she was fed up of fans asking her about him all the time. https://littlehollyleaf.livejournal.com/442248.html

For #2 https://variety.com/2014/tv/spotlight/supernatural-oral-history-200-episodes-ackles-padalecki-kripke-1201352537/ For #3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upwmouxnDKc Also during the above-mention con video, below is an extract of a fan's M&G with Misha - ..... he genuinely doesn't know when or how he's coming back. The most telling part of his answer, however, was that from his perspective he still doesn't really know if he's coming back. He told us he'd heard that Sera had given a press release saying Misha would be coming back to the show but that was the first he'd heard about it. The producers haven't told him anything about Castiel coming back. He said he suspects Sera just made the statement she did because she was fed up of fans asking her about him all the time. https://littlehollyleaf.livejournal.com/442248.html


Bob Wess has a great collection of videos that actually made me appreciate their relationship on a deeper level. He shows how much they truly needed each other in 4 but more so in 5 and what actually built any future after the season 6 debacle where Dean would have cut Cas loose.