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Bring 'em Back Alive - Full Version.mp4

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I like this episode but I'm sorry Sam & Gabriel don't have the kind of relationship that would allow a deancas "i need you" to work, it was so weird to hear Sam say to Gabe *i* need you like it has any pull? The reason dean's I need you to cas worked in season 8 is because of their bond & their history, Gabe & Sam don't have a relationship, sigh, anyway, i also don't get that ketch's motivation is to save Mary, he literally tried to kill her in last season's finale so i don't get what changed since then to have him do a 180, i am so glad Asmodeus is gone, that last scene scares me everytime i watch it, the way Sam & cas flinch at dean's anger is so sad 😭, they didn't do anything wrong & don't deserve to be lashed out on


I'm not a Sabriel shipper, but while I was watching this episode I remember I could see why some people are. With Ketch I got used to him after s12, so he didn't bother me as much. Lucifer though just annoyed me and it got worse with every time we saw him. It was great seeing Charlie, even though it wasn't our Charlie.


I don’t think Dean lashed out AT them, it was at the situation. Though obviously it made them feel worse.

Amye Sabin

I agree. I got so sick of Lucifer, and Ketch didn't bother me. He's not a favorite redemptee like Crowley & Rowena, but he didn't annoy me. No offense to Mark P, because he does a great job. It's such a waste of other characters they could've focused on or brought back. (*cough* S15 *cough*)