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The Thing - Full Version.mp4

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I agree with everything you said here, i hate ketch & Asmodeus so much, i don't get why they're desperate to redeem ketch or why he would want redemption he doesn't look all that regretful of what he has done to me, i can't believe he's going with dean instead of Sam! When did he get promoted to main character level?, I get that dean needs someone who has been to that world to stay behind in case they needed rescuing but you know who else is trust worthy and has been in that world before? Cas!! He could've gone with dean or stayed back and had Sam go with him, the fact that ketch is taking main storyline away from characters like cas is wild to me, i miss cas so much this season, he almost had no time with jack after their brief reunion which sucks coz i was looking forward to cas & Jack's relationship but like you said if your name isn't Sam & dean you don't get meaningful stories or the screentime for it but if you are a character created by buckleming you get too much screentime no matter how unlikable and irrelevant you are sigh, i do love that dean's favorite porn genre is featured in this episode tho, tentacle porn lol


I had the same thought about the waitress having Molly Shannon energy XD