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Devil's Bargain - Full Version.mp4

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Linda Moore

I really enjoy this episode, I think it's fun. Adding Danneel to the cast was a cool little surprise. 😊 But I do wish Jo would have chosen her alliances better. I was also very annoyed when Ketch first came back, but by this point he'd started to grow on me a bit. Still far from my favourite character, but I believed what he said about Lucifer being his "line in the sand". He's supposedly changed from when he was part of the MOL, (we'll have to wait and see if that proves true) but even at his most ruthless, he always wanted to stop monsters. (Sometimes TOO much! As all the BMOL were wont to.) So, it does make sense to me that he would want to work together to take Lucifer down. And since they are dealing with Lucifer, as well as wanting to use him to create a rift, and trying to prevent Michael from crossing into their world, it really is an all hands on deck situation. Cautiously working with him seems like the best option. I was SO shocked to see Gabriel!! And so thrilled. I loved Gabe/the Trickster. He was one of my favourite "bad guys" turned good guy. As a contrast to what some have said, (not just here, but in other forums as well) to me, the fact that the show can bring back favourite characters was one of the best parts of SPN, not the worst. This was 13 years of stories, 277 episodes in to the series. The fact that the writers were able to come up with ANY new ideas to keep the show going, while still TRYING to stay true to the characters, TRYING to raise the stakes (or at least make them equal to the things TFW have fought before) and make the whole thing interesting and enjoyable is still VERY impressive to me. Do I LOVE these later seasons as much as I do the earlier ones? No, I don't. But I do still love them. I love every moment we're with TFW (TFW 2.0 too!) and I'm good with watching them fight off whatever comes their way. I'm very much enjoying going through S13 with you, loved this reaction as always. 😊


It's a buckleming episode, that explains why lucifer and ketch were the main focus, they're their favorites, sigh, i feel you on both of them, i am so tired of them both, cas making Arthur ketch stop talking by making him go to sleep is one of the most badass moves cas has ever done, it was very satisfying, i loooooove danneel so seeing her was a treat, and Gabe!!!!!! I never believed he was dead anyway, he's the trickster after all

Sharon Owen

You reaction to Danneel was how I imagined it would be. You had your eyes closed during her name on screen, so I'm glad you got the surprise as you did! Watching the suggestive scenes between Lucifer and Jo was definitely uncomfortable, it's like 'back off of Jensen's wife' lol. Side note - I LOVE her hair in this episode. Gabriel is back... and he looks in rough shape. My poor Gabriel! Lucifer, Ketch and Asmodeus all in one ep - sounds like a nightmare lol. (I do love the actors for Ketch/Asmodeus though, so I've softened to them a tiny bit haha). I did love the chicken moment lol.


I do really like this episode. The three boys teaming up again. And I especially loved the Dean and Cas interactions at the start. Also the Gabriel reveal. And Danneel being in this episode.


I’m not much a fan of this episode given so much time is spent with Lucifer. For me, Lucifer is now just a caricature of himself. He is a whiny, petulant child with major powers to cause trouble. S6 Lucifer was scary. Current Lucifer with his powers could be scary but is written mostly for comedy. For me, it didn’t make sense for Gabriel to be back. I don’t believe it was originally intended and is a retcon for fan service and because the cast likes Dick Speight. Loved when Cas spun his angel blade and knocked Ketch out with two fingers to the forehead. Well deserved and Cas looked so cool doing it. Also loved when Shelley said, “What are Sam and Dean and Cas’s role in this, ‘cause in this episode they really did kind of feel like an after thought.” Spot on.

Yasmin H

I love how much you can’t stand Lucifer or Ketch. I’m right there with you! I also loved seeing Danneel, even tho I too was creeped out by the Lucifer in Sister Jo’s space storyline (Shudder. Soul-deep shudder), even tho I thought her charging for healing was an intriguing approach. And Asmodeus was definitely one of my least favourite villains. Up there with Dick Roman. The other Princes of Hell were so superior. Interesting that you thought the Winchesters were an afterthought I hadn’t looked at it like that, but it makes sense. I do have an issue with the Gabriel reveal. I think SPN was wonderful for actor loyalty, but that didn’t always make sense to me in the narrative. Because if everyone can come back, then no death matters, you know?

Sharon Owen

I think I'm in the majority of wanting Gabriel back. I never believed he was dead as he is the trickster after all. We got that little nod in season 9 as well. But then again I've always loved him, ever since his first ep!


I like this episode, too. Loved seeing Danneel in this episode. Plus, I liked the Gabriel reveal at the end.


I mean, jensen had not just suggestive but many sex scenes with women while he was married to danneel, they're actors and if it's okay for him it's okay for her


It's notable that through out the whole time cas was missing Sam was the one talking to him on the phone not dean, coz it would be too unbelievable if dean couldn't feel that something was not right with cas, last season we saw dean knowing something was wrong with cas just by talking to him on the phone Some dudes in the fandom were very weird about the danneel/lucifer scene so much so that one guy asked Jensen about it in a con, it was like how did you feel about mark P doing it with your wife or something like that which is so rude and so dumb, it's called acting, Jensen had many sex scenes with women while married to danneel but she has one suggestive scene and people are like oh god how dare, she's an actress too and if it's okay for him to do it it's okay for her, i wish it was with anyone but lucifer coz i hate him but those dudes were really childish and dumb

Linda Moore

To play Devil's advocate, (pun definitely intended! 😁) I'd argue that Lucifer has ALWAYS been a whiny petulant child. It's why he rebelled in the first place, cause he wasn't getting enough attention from God. 🙄 For my part, I don't see much of a change, or see him as very much OOC. His powers are slightly less than usual, but he's still essentially a huge brat, stomping his feet and throwing a temper tantrum. And with the power he weilds (even lessened) that's still really dangerous. I'd also say that a great deal of his danger currently, comes from just what he wants from Jack, and exactly how he plans to weild HIS power. Just my thoughts. 😊

Linda Moore

I agree. While I was (pleasantly) surprised at him showing up at the end of the episode, I never really thought he was gone for good. So, this wasn't a crazy reveal for me. 😊


Yes, agree but originally wasn’t played primarily for comedy. It’s like they took Hallucifer and made that characterization the real Lucifer. And no, it’s not new, just taken to a further extreme. I know a lot of people think he’s great and enjoy the storyline. Never gonna be me.

Susan Stork

I may be in the minority but I really like Ketch this season. I like the actor's panels too, he can be a bit much sometimes, but overall I enjoy the actor and character. I like Mick/Adam Fergus more, but David Haydn Jones has grown on me, plus he is in one of my favorite Hallmark Christmas movies😊. I enjoy this episode too. I like the reveal of Gabriel at the end. I enjoy Mark Pellegrino too, but agree that Lucifer here is silly. But I think he's still a great actor that I am not upset he is still around. I love when it's Cas, DEAN and Sam working together too, but sometimes all I can see is the bloopers in some scenes so it's hard to get into the seriousness of all their scenes😁😁

Rosanne Stewart

I remember that con question and that guy was such an asshole. He was being deliberately offensive and kudos to Jensen for not losing his temper.

Helen Wood

I love Anael and shamelessly ship her with Dean.