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Confessions and Lamentations - Full Version.mp4

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Tony Tenser

What a powerful episode that as you so rightly said hits home even more after recent years and because of similar events in history. Some great drama, acting and directing here once again from this landmark series. For all its sadness though, Delenn's dialogues in this episode especially her closing words to Sheridan are important in their message.

awagenk (Fran)

One of my favorite episodes. So great. I love your reaction to it. The theme hits differently since Covid. 🥺 But back then as I was younger I yell at Sheridan and Delenn like you now. There are too cute. 😍💕 "Delenn! If I do see you again call me John!" 🥹

Simon Giles

I remember when this first aired, some fans argued that nobody would act so irrationally in the face of a pandemic. Well..... I noticed this time some nice imagery with touching hands in this episode. Delenn putting her hand on Sheridan's, Franklin doing a Wrath of Khan thing with Lazarenn, the beaten Markab reaching out to Garibaldi (and I just love that momentary hesitation from Garibaldi - "Which kind of person am I?")

Peter Evans (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-23 20:28:07 I know it's not the same everywhere but I honestly think that humanity (thus far) did a pretty bang-up job on Covid all things considering. Great minds worked together, data was shared across the planet, a vaccine was found and resources moved to churn out jabs as fast as possible. I know there was vaccine deniers, on a greater scale than in the early days of faith in science back in the 30s through 60s in the battle against polio. But all the same, an impressive feat was achieved. The logistics involved were incredible. I teared up a little when I got my first jab. Lockdown came too late here in the UK with the government prevaricating. It's a good job they reversed policy when it was pointed out we could lose half a million in a year. But lockdown was largely adhered to in the UK, for an impressive amount of time, and against government scepticism that people would be willing to. Anyway, a very topical episode, more so than JMS could have anticipated writing it. I have to give the laurels to Jim Norton, playing Dr Lazeen. He previously played the Ombudsman in Season One, but he's best known in the UK for playing the perpetually angry hypocritical and downright hilarious Bishop Brennan in the wonderful Irish comedy 'Father Ted'. Not many can act so effectively through a latex mask, and he nails the role, especially in his angry speech about the 'Curse of Drafa'. "As if even mentioning it makes them dirty!" A quietly devestating episode, really pushing a 'Kobiyashi Maru' scenario at Franklin. I always wished Beverley Crusher had an episode like this in TNG, as she would have been great in it. But she got that hilariously bonkers Mills & Boon boddice-ripper one with haunted candles or something. Actually, I regret nothing, that was pretty great too, for less intentional reasons.
2023-02-09 22:14:41 I know it's not the same everywhere but I honestly think that humanity (thus far) did a pretty bang-up job on Covid all things considering. Great minds worked together, data was shared across the planet, a vaccine was found and resources moved to churn out jabs as fast as possible. I know there was vaccine deniers, on a greater scale than in the early days of faith in science back in the 30s through 60s in the battle against polio. But all the same, an impressive feat was achieved. The logistics involved were incredible. I teared up a little when I got my first jab. Lockdown came too late here in the UK with the government prevaricating. It's a good job they reversed policy when it was pointed out we could lose half a million in a year. But lockdown was largely adhered to in the UK, for an impressive amount of time, and against government scepticism that people would be willing to. Anyway, a very topical episode, more so than JMS could have anticipated writing it. I have to give the laurels to Jim Norton, playing Dr Lazeen. He previously played the Ombudsman in Season One, but he's best known in the UK for playing the perpetually angry hypocritical and downright hilarious Bishop Brennan in the wonderful Irish comedy 'Father Ted'. Not many can act so effectively through a latex mask, and he nails the role, especially in his angry speech about the 'Curse of Drafa'. "As if even mentioning it makes them dirty!" A quietly devestating episode, really pushing a 'Kobiyashi Maru' scenario at Franklin. I always wished Beverley Crusher had an episode like this in TNG, as she would have been great in it. But she got that hilariously bonkers Mills & Boon boddice-ripper one with haunted candles or something. Actually, I regret nothing, that was pretty great too, for less intentional reasons.

I know it's not the same everywhere but I honestly think that humanity (thus far) did a pretty bang-up job on Covid all things considering. Great minds worked together, data was shared across the planet, a vaccine was found and resources moved to churn out jabs as fast as possible. I know there was vaccine deniers, on a greater scale than in the early days of faith in science back in the 30s through 60s in the battle against polio. But all the same, an impressive feat was achieved. The logistics involved were incredible. I teared up a little when I got my first jab. Lockdown came too late here in the UK with the government prevaricating. It's a good job they reversed policy when it was pointed out we could lose half a million in a year. But lockdown was largely adhered to in the UK, for an impressive amount of time, and against government scepticism that people would be willing to. Anyway, a very topical episode, more so than JMS could have anticipated writing it. I have to give the laurels to Jim Norton, playing Dr Lazeen. He previously played the Ombudsman in Season One, but he's best known in the UK for playing the perpetually angry hypocritical and downright hilarious Bishop Brennan in the wonderful Irish comedy 'Father Ted'. Not many can act so effectively through a latex mask, and he nails the role, especially in his angry speech about the 'Curse of Drafa'. "As if even mentioning it makes them dirty!" A quietly devestating episode, really pushing a 'Kobiyashi Maru' scenario at Franklin. I always wished Beverley Crusher had an episode like this in TNG, as she would have been great in it. But she got that hilariously bonkers Mills & Boon boddice-ripper one with haunted candles or something. Actually, I regret nothing, that was pretty great too, for less intentional reasons.


All the other commenters have made good points about the story and its relevance to today 30-ish years later (WOW). I'll address something tangential. The actor playing the Markab Ambassador is Kim Strauss, and you'll start to notice him more and more (you should come to recognize him mostly by voice). He has already been the Drazi Green Leader and others I can't recall offhand. I think in every role he plays, he is in alien prosthetics. For a bit part player, he's an awesome actor. You'll see him again.