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The Scorpion and the Frog - Full Version.mp4

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I always assumed that Bart killed the child after initially saving him, but in re-watching the episode it doesn't actually state that so maybe I'm wrong.


I am not much of a fan of this episode. I know that’s just my personal taste and I am happy for the folks who enjoy it. I cringed so hard the first time I saw them make Dean into the divining rod. Just another nail in the coffin of what used to be a horror genre to now being mostly a fantasy show. On a personal rewatch, the only thing I’d watch is Dean getting his finger pricked (Jensen makes it sooo funny 🤣), and maybe bonding with Alice over the Nerve Damage. I got real Charlie vibes/deja vu when they put her on that bus at the end, which is bittersweet. Really don’t like that they make Sam look stupid by trying to blow out the burning paper, and both S&D for taking so long to realize the paper was in danger. Maybe it’s best I stop commenting on Dabb era episodes.

Susan Stork

I actually really like this episode. It isn't the best episode, but I do enjoy it. I can't really not enjoy watching Jensen. Next episode is one of my favorites

Susan Stork

I don't know if that's a double or triple negative, but I mean very much enjoy watching Jensen😂


Buck episodes are almost always not very good to outright bad.


Tbh I forgot this whole episode. I looked what episode would be next and I knew the faces, but couldn't remember a single plot point. XD I really like the girl though.

Beeba Smith

Not my favourite episode, but I do like it and it does contain one of my favourite Dean scenes lol (when he puts his hand in the wall and freaks out when his finger is pricked XD). Also love Dean's hand compass lmao

Linda Moore

I actually enjoy this one. It's silly, and at the edge of campy at times, I suppose, but it toes the line, as far as I'm concerned. I really enjoy Dean the divining rod, 😜 and I always laugh at his (very understandable!) phobia of sticking his hand into some random hole! Jensen is hilarious as always. I'm fine with Bart being dead. I always assumed he was the cause of the boy drowning, though the story never says that, so maybe not. But either way, I'm not all that bothered. As Dean says, he's just "some random demon. That always makes me chuckle too. My sarcastic, shady king! 😄 Glad they saved Alice, she was weird in a really fun way, and like Karen said, the boys putting her on the bus in the end did remind just a smidge of Charlie, and that makes me happy-sad. 🥲 I did also feel a bit like there were some "lazy writing moments" like, Shriek getting loose from the rope at the end. Since when would Dean take that chance when he was literally telling Sam how mad the guy was. Also, I felt like the boys could have dove for that paper much quicker. If they were gonna do it that way, make the spell burn up with him so the boys couldn't get ahold of the it, then they should have had Bart burn up super fast. But 🤷‍♀️Dean spinning Baby with Sam shooting from the window was a very badass move, so they're forgiven. 😁 Anyway, great reaction. Glad the silly things tickled you. 😊


Shelley is not wrong in saying BuckLemming only now seemed, for lack of a better word - bad, compare to previous seasons. IMO, BuckLemming was promoted since S12 which was when Dabb took over. They were the most senior under Dabb, while Beren was still new-ish at this point. So, when you have the weakest link in the writing room that was supposed to back you up and help you in plotting the show's over-arching plot beats in a creative and challenging way, what you get instead are Asmodeus, more Lucifer, and effing Ketch. On top of that, sometimes we have to consider others' "rank" in power and we tend to don't like to rock the boat due to that ranking, so to speak. We normally have the tendency to not override them, even when their choices are not good ones. (Disclaimer: all these are speculation, of course). And I can understand the difficulty in overriding/corralling those who want to revisit stale ideas/plots/characters that were not fan favorites simply because those said ideas/plots/characters are theirs and they like those ideas/plots/characters *insert massive eye-rolls here* (i.e. they have a separation of ideas of characters that they favor, as compared to choosing those liked by FANS instead). And since they have nepotism on their side, this will double the difficulty-o-meter. Can you imagine staring Robert Singer in the eye and saying that you don't like the plot beats that his wife & partner come up with? Compared to Jeremy Carver's era, JC seemed to have a tighter rein, yes. He brought a high level of skillsets into the writing room/process - imo he was Kripke's golden boy whereas Sera was EK's golden girl (concrete proof of JC's writing credibility). Jeremy is a showrunner several times over while Dabb is a newbie (SPN was his first show if I recall, and now he is half showrunning this show), and finally, writing-wise Dabb is kinda okay-ish only, he is great sometimes but not often. TLDR; BuckLemming sucks under Dabb because he is, unfortunately, not Jeremy Carver. ETA: Now the above-mentioned is plot-wise related only, and is not inclusive of character progressions, which is a different beast altogether ...


This was the season of 'uhhh, so we unceremoniously and stupidly killed off like... most of our key side characters, so here have some clones to hold you for now'. And give us Alice and Bart instead of the Charlie and Crowley we should have had, imho. Not that there's anything wrong with Alice, I thought she was swell - but she's no Charlie.


I enjoy this episode but it's also a filler & my boy cas is still locked up & my other boy jack is still gone so it's just in the way of me getting my boys back lol


Yeah, this is basically what happened. People can have whatever opinion they want about Dabb’s era and his writing but I do think it’s kinda unfair to blame him for everything that people don’t like in his era because he was in a tricky position. After S11 when Dabb became the showrunner, Singer also became the showrunner and that was the first time that SPN has had two showrunners (you can look that up on imdb). At the same time Buckleming was promoted to executive producers and executive producers are the top of the producer hierarchy. So from S12 onwards Buckleming and Singer had a lot of say on the show’s overall plot. For example, I think that Lucifer’s centric role in later seasons and especially in Buckleming episodes was mostly because Eugenie had said that she likes Mark P as an actor and also said that she likes writing Lucifer’s character. So yeah this mostly explains why some parts of the later seasons were kinda all over the place (This is just an assumption because none of us really know what the dynamic in the writing room actually looked like and you also have to take the network into consideration because it affected the dynamic too). Overall I personally really enjoy the last era, especially when I ignore all the Buckleming/Singer stuff and focus on the characters and the emotional parts of the show.

Rosanne Stewart

I never understood why Luther didn't burn Bart's bones when he got them in the first place.