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Goodbye Eileen, Rowena, Crawley, and Castiel.mp4

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Answering some of Shelley’s questions…When exactly Rob and Ruth started dating is a mystery. Photos just started showing up of them together at some industry events in LA (in 2019 I think) and we don’t know if they had privately been dating before then (I personally think it is likely, given later how long it took them to be open that they now lived together.) I love that they are just living their lives and not making big announcements about it. The key line they cut from Crowley’s final scene was him saying to Lucifer, “Even when I lose, I win.” Mark wanted to make Crowley’s sacrifice a clear victory over Lucifer, to make up for them having made the character an idiot during S12.


I just had some quiet time this evening to be able to finish watching the video. Didn't want to be distracted while I was watching Castiel's tribute. Very nicely done, Hasnaa! You were so kind to give me a credit at the end for the con clips and tweets I shared, and just wanted to be sure credit for the amazing video itself went to you <3