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T.A.H.I.T.I. - Full Version.mp4

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Christopher simeon

Rip Bill Paxton. This was one of the last roles he had before his death. Coulson pulled a fury and used questionable methods to bring back one of his agents. But was it the right call. There are many blue aliens in the MCU and we don't know what kind of disease or weird effects injecting yourself with it can cause but now both coulson and Skye have it in them.

Ian Fleming

Thanks to movies like Aliens, Near Dark, Twister, Predator 2 and Tombstone, Bill Paxton was already one of my favourite actors. So to see him show up in a guest star role on one of my favourite TV shows... Well, I was in hog heaven. I would also like to give a shout out to B J Britt as Agent Antoine "Trip" Triplett. He brings a refreshing "outsider" energy to the ensemble that I appreciate more and more as the Bus crew gel evermore as a family.