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The Coming of Shadows - Full Version.mp4

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awagenk (Fran)

Love this episode so much. Your reaction is great! You are as frustrated as was I back then about G'Kar and Londo. JMS great mind gave us this scene between these two and I'm grateful. Londos face was priceless. He knows, G'Kar doesn't. So great! So heartbreaking. Wonderful writing, wonderful acting.

james blagden

interesting to see how the roles have changed from season 1, where the Narn / G'Kar was the aggressor and now they are on the back foot.


This is where B5 takes the training wheels off. Some people think that you can miss S1, but without it you'd miss the significance of the reversal of Londo and G'Kar, we wouldn't come to care for Londo without seeing him in love with Adira or joking with Garibaldi, and we would miss the emotion of seeing Sinclair again.


my favorite of the season! this episode is truly a point of no return for both Londo and G'Kar. that scene breaks my heart every time

David Sumner

No Spoiler here, but when Sheridan says, "We draw a line against the darkness and we will hold that line...no matter the cost." Boy there are going to be some serious costs!