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The Best Revenge Is Dressing Well - Full Version.mp4

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It’s such a nice little pick-me-up to watch your reactions to these every week! Thank you very much 😄


One thing I've noticed watching this episode through with you is how Stede gets the opportunity to use his manners and etiquette and society know-how to help Ed - when, before, he found it all so tedious he literally ran away from home to become a pirate. So in a way, he finds an unexpected benefit to that time even if it was hard for him and his family. Same thing goes for Ed, too, though. He learns that there are people out there with ways very different from his own that he doesn't know how to protect himself against. And that the rich folks' life might seem really magical and shiny, but in a lot of ways, it's worse than the pirate's life. Because at least the pirates are direct about wanting to stab you. lol It's a neat little abstract way to show us nature vs. nurture, sort of, with the pirates and the fancy folks. And I loved Ed's little bows, too! :3

Luis Nov

No but the moon scene 😍 Also, I think Oluwande gave the money willingly, might be wrong but thats how I see it


First, I will say — Olu definitely gave the other guys the money willingly. He has a salary, and I think he saw getting them out of that situation as a worthwhile investment. He’s my favorite ❤️ Now that that’s out of the way, oh my God, the moonlight scene ruins me every time. The silk really is Ed’s heart, and Stede is maybe the first person to see this tatty, vulnerable thing and call it beautiful. In doing so, he also opens the door for Ed to think that too. So much of this show is about masculinity, and the way Stede and Ed (and other characters, like Izzy) define themselves in relationship to it). Stede has never done masculinity “right”, whereas for Ed, it comes much more easily, but isn’t necessarily all of who he is. This theme is so beautifully illustrated and developed throughout the show, and I’m so excited for your thoughts on what’s ahead!