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Family Feud - Full Version.mp4

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Sharon Owen

Want to put the colt in the British Museum - as a Brit - nice one haha. I've been to the British Museum - nothing British about it lol... sounds like something they'd do!

Susan Stork

I actually like this episode. I am pro-Rowena, so I love what she did in this episode. I'm not a Crowley fan so not interested in how it affects him. But Dean is adorable in the museum too, such a child.

Sharon Owen

MOTW with some plot running through it - yep. I love those kinds of episodes. Whilst the episode had some slow points for me, it was still a decent episode and we get the Family Feud bits at the end between Crowley/Rowena and Mary/Sam/Dean. Yeah that's Dagon (pronounced day-gone), another yellow eyes SOB - set up in the last episode. I was going to suggest last episode for a drunk watch but there's too many important things in it - and also the structure of it might be confusing when drunk haha. (we have an episode mind for next season for a drinking reaction if you're up for it) These are the kind of episodes where I'm like - I know the MOTW, but I can't remember what major plot points happen in it as it's not the main focus of the episode.


Gavin and this story was sad tho I really don’t love female characters being raped as motivation for more prominent male characters. Was so surprised they brought up Oscar again. Crowley and Lucifer is a great dynamic. As are most of Crowleys.


I felt sad for Gavin - and for the loss. For Fiona and her experience. It was also a great way to highlight how our children are not always a direct reflection of us, as their parents. It gives us a reason to have hope about Lucifer's son. I appreciated how well J2 acted the scene when Mary revealed she was working with the BMOL. You could feel the tension in the air and the sense of betrayal they were emoting. Those two are so honed into those characters. We are so lucky to have them as Sam and Dean. Not an episode I always choose to rewatch, but not a bad one either.


I HATE what Crowley is doing with Lucifer. It is one of my least favorite plots in the whole show. Imo, it's OOC for Crowley to put revenge before survival. He is a very pragmatic character who prioritizes staying alive and keeping power. And instead of sending Lucifer back to the cage never to heard from again, he pulls this shit. Just for revenge. This is a character who doesn't even underestimate Sam and Dean. And here he is thinking he can control this situation. It's so OOC to me. And I truly hate it. Otherwise, I like the episode. I love what they are doing with Mary. Showing us this double life and struggle to reconcile who she is with how to be a mother...more specifically the mother that other people expect her to be. I'm not personally a mother, but it seems a very relatable experience for many mothers. It took me a long time to even view my mother as separate from her relationship to me. As a person first and a mother second. I'm happy that Mary has decided to be herself in front of the boys even if they don't like it instead of changing who she is to make them comfortable.

Amye Sabin

I'm not pro-Rowena in this instance. OUT OF SPITE she causes her grandson's death. Just because of Oskar. There could've been other solutions, like sending Gavin back with the knowledge of the ship's sinking, or before he even leaves for Leith to board the ship, so Fiona doesn't end up leaving, too.<p></p> <p>Crowley is my favorite SPN character of all time (maybe <b>any</b> character), and I feel for him. How he was treated in life, how his mininions treat him. But I do believe he was wrong in this instance regarding Lucifer.</p> <p>If Castiel can make mistake after mistake, why can't Crowley make a mistake? Maybe this will turn out well, maybe it won't.</p>


So stupid to have Crowley (the smartest character on the show) do something as stupid as not returning lucifer back to his cage and not only that but restore his og vessel (from god knows where, it should be long dead and decayed) and make it strong enough to contain him forever even though nick was never lucifer's true vessel, it's Sam, so convenient, buckleming just loooooove mark p, mark Sheppard hated this plotline so much and thought Crowley is smarter than this, also Rowena killed Oscar herself, Crowley didn't make her do anything


I agree with you on all the Crowley/Luicfer stuff obviously. But I will just say in terms of Rowena...while it's fair to say that Crowley isn't solely responsible for Oscar, the truth is Sam, Crowley, and Cas leveraged her freedom in the situation. They essentially kidnapped her and told her to get free she needed to kill the person she loved most. So, you are right that she could have not done it, but many people when faced with her situation would do the same as her. And feel resentment towards those who put her in that situation. She blames Crowley most because he is the one that found Oscar and brought him into the situation. Because even when Cas sees that Oscar is the thing she loves most, she lies to them and says he is dead even though she knows he isn't. Because even though she says she loves her freedom too much to not kill the thing she loves, she is actually not so easily willing to kill him for her freedom. If she was, she would be honest here and have them go get him. It's not until Crowley brings Oscar into the situation that she concedes to perform the act...again under duress. Furthermore, he is weaponizing her love for Oscar in the same way that Crowley's father weaponized her love for himself. And to an extent the way the grand coven weponized her love of Crowley. In all instances, her love is used to make her feel weak and vulnerable. Then they use that vulnerability to spite her i.e. leave her to die in her own blood (the father), excommunicated her from the only community that gave her a sense of power and belonging (grand coven), and convince her to kill someone she loves (Crowley). So, while I don't agree with her course of action from my own moral standpoint, it's understandable how she feels and why she acts as she does.