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JIB Con 2022, Part II.mp4

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Sharon Owen

Ahh memories... Me asking Jensen that question, I was so freakin nervous! Whereas compared to asking Misha, Ruth and Rob questions I wasn't so nervous. I think it's cause I stood in line all of Saturday morning's panel and the waiting was the worst, so when I stood in line for the afternoon panel I made sure I was first in line. I kept the Jared zoom call a surprise for you. It was quite funny because when Jared cancelled I suggested to Daniela on Twitter he should do a zoom panel... I wonder if she took my advice or had that thought already... lol


Of course I have forgotten the comments I wanted to make, might have to watch again sometime. The only thing I remember is you wanting to see pics of Jared’s brother, so I will pull some of those up this afternoon and share them on discord.


Remembered one thing to share: Nexstar, who bought The CW, has decided not to give any backorders for additional episodes since they are trying to figure out the direction for the network. So The Winchesters will just have its initial 13 episodes and we wait for series renewal decisions. Probably will be a long wait.

Lauran Mitchell

Yeah Nexstar seems to be throwing all the freshman shows at the wall to see what sticks. None of the first season shows are getting extended for a full season. A little disappointing, but we'll keep our fingers crossed for our boys' new shows!

Amye Sabin

The question the lady asked Misha about the hip surgery really helped me. I need a hip replacement, but have to wait until I lose weight. So I'm glad she asked that, cause I don't want Oxycontin. I'm scared of it.