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Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets - Full Version.mp4

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oh boy.. this episode.. i’m so ready for this and my shipper hat is ON

Sharon Owen

I'm not a shipper, but they do act a bit like an old married couple in this episode...

Sharon Owen

I'm loving your reactions to season 12. I remember not being a big fan of it at the time, but watching yours and others reactions to it renews my enthusiasm for this season and makes me remember - it's actually a great season with some great episodes (and 2 of my top 30 episodes of all time are coming up in this season as well)


Dean and cas fight like an old married couple 😂 Also, dean being called cas’ human weakness when ishim called lily his human weakness, the woman he was in love with? There’s so so so much more amazing destiel content in this episode but I’ll wait for someone who’s better at explaining stuff like that to come along and comment about it (@hasnaa I’m looking at you 👀)


i adore this episode. had to watch your react immmmediately. 😂 it's probably in my top 20. it is so high stakes and good action/interesting plot, but it's balanced so so well with domesticity, talking thru feelings, comedy, bits of history, bits of lore, etc. to me it's an ideal spn episode. of course i love the deancas moments, but sam treating cas like family is also lovely in this episode. the parallels are great too! just a 👨‍🍳 💋 of an episode that gets better every time i watch.


this is a great episode and loved your reaction. cant wait to see your reaction to the next episode, its one of my favorites of this season!


agreed! these episodes (the yockey, glynn, perez triple header) are just great.


I loooove this episode for several reasons. (puts shipper hat on) I love Dean and Cas acting like an old married couple in the bunker then again in the car (and all the while sam is wishing he were back in hell so he doesn't have to deal with these two idiots lol. The whole scene in the car killed me LOL. sassy cas for the win there! lol Oh and when Ishim beat up Cas and threatens to remove Cas's human weakness and heads for Dean... oooph... then Dean making the blood sigil and Ishim telling him...go ahead...I'll be fine...but Cas? He might just end up as a smear on the wall.... and Dean looks over at Cas and slowly slides his hand away...(my heart) =) I think this ep is just so good for several reasons. I love it. <3


lmao i was honestly expecting to see the shipper hat make an appearance ;) cause yeah the married bickering is a LOT (in the best way) and ishim calling dean cas' human weakness, plus the focus on angels and humans in relationships


I really love this episode, it's one of my faves of the show. I was thinking if it would hold up to my memories after I finished the show, but watching it again like this just showed me it was the right decision to put it on my top 10. I love Sam being in between the bickering of Dean and Cas in the first half, then going over into a more serious discussion of the whole nephilim thing and then in general having a Cas centric episode, I'm always in for that. Plus the scene with the three of them at the end, love it.


This is one of my favorite episodes in the show! It was written by Steve yockey and Davy perez, look out for their episodes imo they're ones of the best writers in dabb's era along with Meredith Glynn who writes next episode, they joined this show to feed cas fans and give us everything we wanted, i love them and what a banger to start with, they said you want to see some of cas's history here you go, you want genderfluid angels? Here you go, you want deancas profound bonding here you go, you want team free will and found family here you go, Sam truly is the kid trapped with his parents in the car while they're fighting, poor Sammy has to put up with their marital dispute, the way dean was giving cas shit at the beginning yet when Ishim was doing the same, dean was so defensive, protective and was like "don't let him talk to you like that" 😂, i love that ashim said to cas "I'm gonna cure you of your human weakness, the same way i cured my own, by cutting it out" then preceds to go to kill dean coz dean is cas's human weakness and Ishim sees dean as cas's Lili, and i love that dean would rather die than potentially hurt cas! He didn't know Sam was coming, his only two options were get killed by Ishim or panish him and risk hurting cas and he chose the former! God i love this episode, i also love that when dean asked if Benjamin was a woman, cas answered that Benjamin's an angel, his vessel is a woman, stressing again that angels don't have gender and omg i love fem cas, they're so cute! I love that cas has a vessel type, dark hair blue eyes lol and the actress did a great job coping cas's mannerisms, the subtle flinch she gave when Ishim killed the kid shows that even back then cas wasn't completely heartless, he always had that crack in his chassis, i too love that dean is so worried about what will happen to cas now that he killed Billie and i love that he admitted that his anger is just fear and worry because it often is with dean but he rarely admits that, i also love that Sam said i don't think we have the type of mom that would make soup for us! That explains a lot of why Sam isn't phased by Mary being away he doesn't expect her to mother them like dean does, this episode is really full of great things that it deserves a rewatch to get everything that was being told, i love dean setting so close to cas in that booth, i guess personal space isn't a concern anymore lol, i also love the implication that Benjamin and his vessel may have been together together, she wasn't just his vessel, she was his "friend" and generally i love how this episode focused on human/angel relationships coz they can and do happen, angels and humans can and do fall in love hence nephilims, kinda expected the shipper hat to make an appearance but maybe in the season recap


So well put! I agree with everything here and yes! Fem cas is awesome


Cas is so sweet in this episode (I don't know if "sweet" is the correct word objectively, but that's how it strikes me), and I appreciate it. 💕 With all three of them, you only fight this way with family -- including found family.