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Season 11 Wrap Up.mp4

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Christopher simeon

Yes like the other comments said think of this part of the show as a soft reboot. A new beginning to the new arc. Many things will be changing as new players and situations happen now. I think even the lighting starts changing for the show as well. Loved your discussion and predictions. Can't wait for the premiere. Now I feel Amara got her revenge on chuck in 12x22 before then all she could do was sit with that anger and take it out on his creations. But once she did it her head could clear and that is what dean talked about. Revenge only feels good for a bit before you have to come back to normal. Once she hurt him she realizes that it does not make her feel what she thought. She was just hurt more then bloodthirsty but she did not recognize that until she has done it. That is why it seemed too easy.


Great wrap up reaction! As much as I loved several of s11 episodes, I’m still more than happy to put that season in my rear view window. Honesty time— I didn’t love much of s12 on first watch. However.. I have come to really really like it (and appreciate it) on subsequent watches. There are a couple episodes that still make me cringe, but regardless…. I really love what season 12 brings us and can’t wait to see your reactions!