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Alpha and Omega - Full Version.mp4

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uhm as far as i know jensen singlehandedly inspired a/b/o fics due to his breedability? at least that's the fandom lore/ common fandom knowledge🙈

Helen Wood

First, apologies for being so late getting to this. I've been in hospital for a couple of months and the first hospital's wifi couldn't handle Dropbox, but I'm catching up now. Your reactions to the whole of this season took me by surprise. It's one of my favourite seasons and for me, when I first watched it, Amara was a sympathetic figure throughout. I liked her as a baby and just liked her more as she grew up. I was convinced Dean would find a way that didn't involve killing her and was delighted when he did. For me, her "redemption" was telegraphed from the start. I also found her connection to Dean deep and believable and genuinely thought he would never be able to kill her. This is probably my favourite finale, as it is an unequivocal win, although I do wish Dean had thought to give Sam a call and tell him he wasn't dead. Mary's return is also a special moment and best of all is the conversation in the car, where Dean tells Cas they are brothers. It's such a lovely moment and I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I do. Cas really needed to hear that.