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Detour - Full Version.mp4

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In 2002 Gillian Anderson listed 30 of her favorite memories of working on the show on her website. Singing "Jeremiah was a Bullfrog" to Mulder in this episode was one of them...(I'd link the list but it has a lot of spoilers) kind of love this episode, a throwback feel to it. Mulder's sarcastic humor is great throughout. It's also an episode for the shippers. The idea of the Spanish conquistadors finding the fountain of youth and living/evolving all this time in the American wilderness is just kind of neat to me.


I love that they tried to make it seem like this was Florida. Believe me...there are some woods in Florida, but nothing like what they were filming in. More like Vancouver, Florida...LOL. I had to stop for a minute because the actress who played the mom of the boy (who was hunting with his dad in the woods) was the same one who was the Goddess in the SPN Christmas episode. "Someone owes a nickel to the swear jar"!

Tom Seville

Shame they lost those woods as a filming location after the move to Hollywood (Season 6 onwards). They're such an important part of the atmos of Seasons 1 -5. You forget they're meant to be a different US state's national forest each time...😂😂