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The Quality of Mercy - Full Version.mp4

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- Fun factoid (when I say that you're allowed to rip into me by saying, "YOU'RE A FACTOID!!" lol ) -- In the late 60s show LOST IN SPACE, June Lockhart played Bill Mumy's mother, Maureen Robinson to his Will Robinson; so a bit of reunion in this episode. Though the two had no scenes together, I hope they at least met at some point. EDIT -- : ( I just learned they did not. As their scenes were shot on different days, they never even crossed paths on set. IDK if they might have met off set... Of course, June's resume is way longer than Mark's, below. - Yes, Mark Rolston was Bogs in The Shawshank Redemption, was Drake in ALIENS and has been in a SH*T-TON of other shows and movies. - Yyyyyyyep.... Centauri males have *six* of them. Yipe... - You were asking a lot of the right questions, which you have since had answered. This episode set up situations in more than one other ep.

Tony Tenser

One of the things i love most about this series- getting you to think on and ponder on your own conclusions about certain social and moral issues without telling you WHAT to think like a lot of modern television does.