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Ji-ok - Full Version.mp4

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Luis Nov

Well, worst detective ever! He was following the truck with the lights on and way to close… Anyway, i was also surprised by the old man choosing to quit, they did that quite well, and it was hard but hella good to see how their backstories might be hell and the game isnt that bad in comparison, which, by that extend its terrible


It's so savvy to so quickly pull our heroes from the color-saturated, heightened, athleticism of the world of the Squid Game, and toss them back, stripped and hobbled, into their desaturated yet equally dangerous "real" lives... One would assume the show would be less thrilling when contestants are not playing the game, but, ironically, the stakes are just as "life and death" at home. So cool, really well done, and expertly positioned in sequence. 😎


This episode was so gut wrenching but unfortunately very realistic. For too many, the realization is there that they believe they’re worth more dead than alive. And dealing w real world problems feels like there is no way to get out of them so why not at least try the chance to win.