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Into the Mystic - Full Version.mp4

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Don't mix up Sam's thoughts and the ones Lucifer tried to make him believe. The idea that Sam made the sane decision not to shut the gates of Hell because of guilt about Purgatory is just another Lucifer lie. I don't get why you still think it was the wrong decision. It would have removed all demons from the board, including everyone's favourite King of Hell and would have prevented evil people from going anywhere after death. Closing Heaven was bad enough. Closing Hell too would have left the world helpless and overwhelmed. Eileen and Mildred are both wonderful characters. I love them. This is the season where the boys really start to learn to be more honest and open with each other. It's so great to see.


Eileen!!! I love her so much! <333


i loooove this episode, i am just gonna gush about Robbie Thompson coz i love his writing & every character he writes so much, this man gave us charlie, cain & now these 2 amazing women (Mildred & Eileen), i loved them so much & i loved that the ladies were the ones to save the day for a change, he writes women well, so many episodes before went for the "cougar" joke or the older women being perverts trope 😒 like that episode in season 3 where they have sam being sexually assaulted by an older woman as a "joke" or even in season 9 with those two older women groping sam as a "joke" & it's always so cringe to me but somehow robbie managed to subvert that by not going too far with it, not making the woman pushy & even hinting that dean may actually be interested, and what do you know that actually made me laugh without cringe & i was rooting for her, ah i love Mildred, i love that this season sam & dean are in a good place re their relationship, in this season there's a theme with hearts & this episode is where it starts, the guy who was vulnerable & got killed by the banshee right before dean was vulnerable because of his heart (a heartbreak), at first when Mildred first told dean that the secret for a long & a happy life is to follow his heart i thought this is interesting but it could mean many things for dean i guess, not everything has to be romance, a heart can desire all kinds of things, but then at the end of the episode my girl goes in deeper & tells dean that she can tell when someone is pining for someone else & to not try to hide it & to follow his heart! so they did mean romance by it & i am sorry i don't believe for a second that dean *pines* for amara or that his connection to amara is how he lives a long & happy life if he just followed it, nope, doesn't make sense to be amara, doesn't make sense to have a lovable character tell dean to follow something that would kill him & call it a long happy life, that doesn't leave many other options & who does he open his heart to this episode? Cas, or who he thought was Cas, this vauge talk about romance & hiding your feelings reminds me so much of the confessional scene last season, vague enough to discard it if you're not looking or maybe take it as surface level as about Amara (a reminder that this is the same writer who wrote dean telling cas i love you back in season 8) but if it's about amara then this episode leaves me saying no dean don't "follow your heart", don't listen to the wise nice lady which is a weird message, i can't assume or know anyone's intentions, i can only observe & see where it leads so we'll see if dean follows his heart this season & where it will lead him & where the heart talk will take us, i also think sam & eileen's interactions were so wholesome.


Eileen was awesome! I love that she is a trained and clearly capable female hunter on the job. Her life echoes theirs a little bit…raised to hunt and get revenge, but just gonna keep on in the life. Had to wait until now to point out to Shelley that the actress, Shoshannah Stern, is a writer on mcu’s Echo. And Mildred? She’s a gem. Have to say that Mildred shows up in a lot of fan fics…not ogling over Dean, but just being the sweet older neighbor or witness. Misha is killing it as Casifer. Has to be difficult playing the role so much like Cas, but just different enough that we can see it and be frustrated people don’t notice. Damn it, Dean…does Cas ever bother to take off his trenchcoat? NO! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Christopher simeon

The parallel between Eileen and Sam were great as she goes through a similar arc that took Sam 9 seasons to get through. He got revenge for Jessica in season 5. So he knows how Eileen feels. It did not bring her back and did not feel special. It was just another demon kill. Over and over the show has shown that the path for revenge never seems to be satisfying. In the end you just end up hurting yourself getting killed or becoming more of a monster. The old women and her attraction to dean could be a parallel to Amara who is old also being attracted to dean.


I agree with everyone that the ladies in this episode are great. Seeing the boys bond with some new people is nice, and in Dean's case funny. Seeing another female hunter with experience is cool. Also, that Misha was very good at playing Luci, playing Cas. It’s weird to see him sans trench coat. Even though I don’t think it was as simple as Sam just running away in season 8, I’m glad he apologized to Dean, and Dean has already forgiven him. Personally, I think Dean forgave him at the end of season 8 in "Sacrifice" when he saw how much it was killing Sam that he let him down. One thing I truly like about season 11 so far is how much Sam and Dean are in harmony with each other. As much as Dean didn’t want anyone to get hurt because of him when trying to cure the mark, I acutely think Sam going to such extremes to save him showed Dean that Sam cares about him just as much, and has kind of helped them get back to an even keel.

Beeba Smith

Yay, I love Eileen <3 Fun fact: in the scene when Sam first meets Eileen and he attempts to sign "Thank you", he actually signs "F**k" or "F**k you". Apparently, Jared and Shoshannah (the actress that plays Eileen) came up with that gag, a way of getting some naughty words in without anyone noticing unless you know ASL 😂


"S'a real dick move" 🤣 🤣 🤣 Oh, man…. I'm not proud of it, but that got me. Aileen is a name that brings me right back home; I grew up with a few Aileens. I enjoy her and Mildred so much. Robbie Thompson… I don't always give season 11 due credit. It's an adjustment, but I like a lot about it. This particular episode allowed me to let go of some of my stuff towards Sam from seasons past… Please, thread, don't at me. I've always empathized with much of Sam's journey; I get where he's coming from. He has always made character and human sense. It was strictly personal umbrage that it took 3 seasons for him to acknowledge – without defensiveness, baggage, or concurrent accusation – that not looking for Dean could or would legitimately hurt Dean's feelings. Again, please don't @ me. I understand and empathize with why Sam didn't. His feelings were valid and * do not require apology(!!) * This is just the first time he's said "I wish I would have looked for you." He *has * said "I feel so very bad for not looking for you that I think I should die," which, ya know, demands caretaking from the person to whom you divulge this information and whatnot (again, I empathize with the impulse), but he's never implied "In retrospect, I feel now that was wrong decision because it hurt you." Similarly, season 8 stuff -- "Dean talked me out of blah-blah-blah." Dude, you're a 30-something-year-old man. Take responsibility for changing your own mind (when presented with a plausible alternative when you're both under duress). I empathize with why you wouldn't want to. And you take as long as you need to recalibrate. I'll just be baseline annoyed 'til you do, like I do with my own family. 😜 Tbf re above, my own sister and I usually take about 5-to-a-lifetime years to arrive at such discussions, so you take what you can get. 😉 I feel like I have to reiterate that I have a lot of affection for Sam, and I appreciate his journey in this episode. Character growth for both him and Dean! Thanks, Robbie!


I saw it. It's also an Italian gesture. 😜 (I'm afraid I could not tell you why that is.)

Linda Moore

Great reaction! Love this episode - Love Mildred - LOVE Eileen! The Casifer/Dean stuff is great, and Misha is fantastic, playing Lucifer, who is playing Cas. Wonderful job! Love the next episode too!


I love all of this! Very well expressed! My only teeny tiny little disagreement here is that at the end of Season 8, Sam was under SIGNIFICANTLY more duress than Dean. So…it strikes me almost like a consent issue, or even a medical-power-of-attorney issue. An argument can be made here that Sam wasn’t quite in his right mind, and Dean had significantly more control in the situation than Sam did, especially given the trust Sam has in his brother. But again, minor little nuance. I hear everything you’re saying.


“Into the Mystic” is a song by Van Morrison, an Irish singer/songwriter. Fitting for Eileen’s heritage and the Irish banshee mythology. One of my dad’s favorite songs, so I recognized the reference immediately.


I didn't know Shoshannah was writing on Echo!!! That's so exciting!!! Thanks for this info


As always I love your commentary SKK!!! I really agree with alot of this. But specifically the one point about Sam taking responsibility for his decisions. It's something I have feared commenting on because I feel like people with get mad at me or misunderstand. I know you are focusing specifically on the s8 stuff. But for me, in general, I feel like their is this tendency of some of the fans, the writers, and sometimes Sam to blame Dean for decisions Sam makes or for Sam not having a normal life. And I get where some of that comes from, but at the same time, I'm like it's been 11 years, Sam is an adult, and he can make his own decisions. Would it be hard to go against what his brother wants? Of course! I'm not saying it would be easy. But it's ultimately up to Sam to decides what he wants, set boundaries, and make his own decisions.


@Elizabeth , I wouldn't consider us disagreeing on that aspect exactly. I just didn't want to get into it because my post was already feeling so long. 😆 Sam is definitely under significantly more duress in that moment. I would simply say, however, that there's another distinction to be made: when you're *aware* you are under more duress than the other person (which I think we can safely say Sam was), it doesn't alter the fact that you're making a decision. Rather, it's another facet of your decision-making process to consider that the other person may be thinking more clearly than you are. That, balanced with the fact that they had an exchange displaying, yes, emotional, but also rational thought on both sides, to me, takes it out of the realm of a consent issue. An argument could be made, but I personally wouldn't go so far. Like you said, though, I think we largely agree on this point, so I won't belabor it. 😌💜


@Linda, thanks so much! 😊 @Meileen, I was a little worried, I'm not gonna lie. 😜


Well, now I'm gonna have to go listen to it. 🙄 (Thank you. 😉) ETA: What a lovely song!


The actress who plays Mildred is Dee Wallace, who has been in many great films, including E.T., The Howling, Cujo, The Hills Have Eyes, Critters & The Frighteners.


Can't wait for the next episode!


Yeah ... I just loved the symbolism that whenever Cas loses his trenchcoat in Carver's era, the show is pointing out that something is wrong with him. For example, at the beginning of S9 when he became human, S11 binge-watching TV without the trench to indicate that he was overwhelmed with PTSD and was reluctant to do anything else in Our Little World. And now in this episode Casifer actually blatantly takes off not only the trenchcoat but his suit jacket. ..... and Dean just only said that something is off about him. Really, Dean ... Cas is practically nekkid there ... duh!