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Just My Imagination - Full Version.mp4

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Dean cracks me up this whole episode! While it's an interesting concept - Sully actually encouraged Sam to run away at a young age...then the next kid was hit by a car so not really great exactly.

Sharon Owen

I wasn't a fan of this when I first watched it, but it's grown on me over time.


This seems to be a pretty common theme. Me too :)


I like this one, especially more so over time. But, I can see why some people might not. I'm sure you'll like the next couple episodes more, though...with them being the mid-season finale & the mid-season premiere!


I've only encountered a few people who really didn't like this episode. It did really well in ratings and rankings, especially with the GA. However, in the fandom, most of the difference came from whichever brother you preferred. Kind of like how S10 and S11 stacked up against each other. ETA: These were my observations within my fandom circle along with trackable ratings and rankings.


i forgot to add that sam has always been the believer & dean the skeptic so it makes sense that sam would believe it's god & that dean will question it


im quite surprised you didn't like this episode.. to me it was refreshing to see a more sam centric episode after essentially several seasons of it being mostly about dean and his issues (deanmon,moc, cain, etc). and its also always interesting when they decide to do flashbacks as it helps us put together a better picture of just how horrible their upbringing truly was. only thing i find kind of funny is that the actor who played young sam looks younger than the actor who played sam in the very supernatural christmas episode even though this was meant to be after that since in the christmas one he had just learnt about the hunting stuff and how their mom died. i feel like the show unintentionally (i actually think its intentional if im completely honest ) doesn't let sam shine as much as dean post season 8, after the trials are done with. we have seen very few sam centric episodes and even thought this one was kind of more odd and funny ?? i really liked the insight into his mind and what he's been thinking about and how he's been feeling. i think also with sam having an imaginary friend, it just makes so much sense in my head. he grew up spending so much time alone. alone or waiting around for john and dean and clearly was left alone completely when dean started hunting with john. and also with everything we know about sam and the demon blood, always feeling different, his psychic abilities, feeling like he never fit in, knowing that most of his actual real life friends in school and college and even his prom date were all azazels demons watching him. like it just makes so much sense that he would need that escape and i wouldn't even be surprised if god himself sent sully to him considering he's known all of this all along since its always been his plan and story about the brothers, michael and lucifer and the bloodline etc etc. this episode also touched me and made me tear up when that girl almost killed sully and sam she never needed him more and how alone she felt. because i was also a very lonely and isolated kid and i never had a lot of friends nor people wanted to be with me and i would've killed to have an imaginary friend like that (or a real one lol ) to help me become more confident and come out of my shell as cheesy and cringe as it might sound. this season overall is one of my least favourite if not the least favourite due to the actual main storyline - amara. it all felt very forced and not well planned out as you can see for yourself having two of the most non plot related fillers in a row and from what i remember it doesn't get much better lol but yeah i just could not get into the darkness storyline and force myself to care about what she does or what happens to her. im much more curious now ( because ive only seen this season once so i dont remember much ) about what rowena is up to or crowley or cas. basically anyone but amara haha hope you (and me tbh lol ) enjoy the next few episodes more


Not my favorite episode, but not my least favorite either. Always love seeing into the guys' childhood, and it makes sense for imaginary friends to exist in this world since all the other folklore/myths are real.


Yeah, did not like this one myself, like at all. Mainly b/c it just destroys continuity as Sam's character was older when he found out about monsters being real (Very Supernatural Christmas flashback). Yet here, much younger he's talking to Dean about wanting to hunt with him and John. Seriously, writers? It's not that hard to stop adding made up backstory after 10 seasons. It makes the show and it's audience look tacky af that we're 11 seasons in, and they still think "ya know, idk that our audience knows enough about the boys' childhood". If any fandom knows the fictional "Life of the Winchesters" book by heart, it's this one. Hell they even count their own fanfic as canon most times so stop adding "convenient new trauma we've never happened to mention in 11 years together" just so we can get more episodes out of this sanitized version of a show.


I agree with so much of what you said here. Love getting more Sam background. Really not a fan of the Amara storyline. However, I do love a few Season 11 episodes.

Helen Wood

Except, he is clearly much older in this one, as is Dean. Dean is a teenager here, Sam about 11 or 12. He knew all about monsters then. You need to watch A Very Supernatural Christmas again.


Exactly, by this age, Sam already knew about monsters & hunting.


@Helen Colin Ford was 11 when they shot the first flashback episode. Here they took a kid who is 11 but looks 9 and older Dean is now like 15-16 somehow. And no, I've only watched it countless times... I'm good. My point still stands, we don't need more flashbacks and "backstory" about they boys 11 seasons in. Still tacky af.


Oh yeah, I can name quite a few episodes I disliked more than this one.

Sharon Owen

I think that was just a poor choice of actor. I think Sam was maybe 7/8 or so in the Christmas episode, Dean looked about 12 in that episode whereas he was older in this episode. I think if that kid was 9, he was a young looking 9. I'd have to look at the dates if they showed them (can't remember if they did(


the flashbacks in the christmas episode takes place Christmas Eve 1991, so Sam would have been 8 at the time he found out about monsters

Brenda Lewis

I believe Sam is looking for a way to undo what he has done. These visions being a "righteous path" for him desperately wanting some divine help taking on an ancient evil as he sees it. Naturally he thinks this might be God, hence a right path to follow. Whether he's right about that or wrong remains to be seen. Sam is looking for help bigger than just him and Dean, it very much reminds me of what he was going through in Sn 2 about his "destiny". He has always gravitated towards the mystical, so it seems perfectly normal to me that's what he's doing now.


"Okay...then tell me, what is the other way?" "Well...that way, technically."

SKK (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 17:52:03 I'm afraid Shelley's "What are we *doing*??" remains my own thought on this episode... It's just not for me, and that's okay. Seeing 9-year-old Sam and 13-year-old Dean was okay(?) even though it didn't add anything substantive to my knowledge of their childhoods, and there were some okay(?) moments of comedy: "I'm'ona get my gun." Delayed discovery of breakfast smorgasbord. "She's got sparkle on her face." Dean's grumpiness reflecting my own grumpiness towards the premise 😜<--silver linings.
2022-07-16 04:04:46 I'm afraid Shelley's "What are we *doing*??" remains my own thought on this episode... It's just not for me, and that's okay. Seeing 9-year-old Sam and 13-year-old Dean was okay(?) even though it didn't add anything substantive to my knowledge of their childhoods, and there were some okay(?) moments of comedy: "I'm'ona get my gun." Delayed discovery of breakfast smorgasbord. "She's got sparkle on her face." Dean's grumpiness reflecting my own grumpiness towards the premise 😜<--silver linings.

I'm afraid Shelley's "What are we *doing*??" remains my own thought on this episode... It's just not for me, and that's okay. Seeing 9-year-old Sam and 13-year-old Dean was okay(?) even though it didn't add anything substantive to my knowledge of their childhoods, and there were some okay(?) moments of comedy: "I'm'ona get my gun." Delayed discovery of breakfast smorgasbord. "She's got sparkle on her face." Dean's grumpiness reflecting my own grumpiness towards the premise 😜<--silver linings.