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Our Little World - Full Version.mp4

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Yeah you can see a glimpse of her jealousy/anger when Dean responds to Amara tossing Sam - he went into full protective brother mode which reminds her about God not being there for her for so long.

Sharon Owen

Ah it’s this episode. It was 2020 lockdown in winter and I was catching up with SPN before I watched the last season. Dean telling Cas to go outside spoke to me. I had barely left the house in days and needed cheering up. Dean got me out the house and out for a walk. I literally paused it at that scene, put outdoor clothes on and went for a walk to the local park!


Was not surprised you found Amara's desired closeness with Dean squicked you out. Same for me. big yikes

Christopher simeon

It is nice to see Sam trying to change the way they do things. It may not always work but attempting is what matters. They used to always exorcise demons to save the host in earlier seasons. Amara being God's sister is huge as it gives us the sibling parallel. Last season you supported locking dean up until they found a solution to his violence and threat to others. But Sam never took it that far. But it seemed like God followed your advise when his sister got out of hand. God seems to be giving Sam that same idea for Amara by suggesting a cage like Lucifer's.


I love this episode, cas has been staying in the bunker for 4 episodes now, i think we need to celebrate that, i love that dean knows Crowley enough to know that he wouldn't be staying in hell if he can help it, he knows Crowley doesn't like hell, he spends most of his time on earth, they have billions of souls in hell but Crowley only allows few demons on earth, that's what the demon is talking about when he said they're short of staff, Crowley was keeping amara on earth feeding on the few demons he allows there, i love Sam acknowledging the dean Crowley summer of love, i love that cas immediately felt something was wrong with dean & asked how did amara escape & that when dean said she overpowered me he gave him the face of someone who can smell his bullshit from a mild away 😂 and gives a look to Sam who in turns gives a look to dean, no one believes you, dean, i have to say that dean & amara scene is the most uncomfortable scene in SPN & that's a big statement but when I first watched it i kept saying won't you take a sub step back here, girl 😂 i had the same reaction to dean in that fan fiction episode with the sam & dean actors 😂, i know she's beyond time but the visual is still a teenager & a 30+ something man, very interesting that dean have 2 bonds with 2 celestial beings


Dean and Amara’s relationship is one of the most interesting things about this season, it also like the mark of Cain is still with him. God sister, this show never ceases to come up with bigger threats haha.


Alright, I understand that by the very laws of nature... demons are just naturally meant to be the worst beings on the planet, but even I'll admit the boys' indiscriminate blood lust to kill anything with black eyes (no exceptions) is making me fully sympathize with them at times. Not so much for them, but they kill just as many humans every time they use the knife and don't exorcize anymore. Sidenote: oh, and the first meme was definitely created by a demon. Also, I love Metatron. He's such a fun and pricksh villain at the same time.

Lauran Mitchell

An angel, the king of hell, and god's sister are all in love with Dean. On one hand it's like, woah. On the other hand--can you blame them?


This is a fantastic episode for depth of writing. I think my experiential sum-up remains within the following: [recoil] "I don't like this…." [half a second later] "What a creation."