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Crushed - Full Version.mp4

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i am loving this show more & more each episode, marvel is getting backlash for it from the "woke" police & getting bombarded with bad reviews as expected coz some people just can't imagine having one show that isn't about them but i personally love it so far, kamala has my whole heart, she already feels like a friend which is insane


I forgot to say, i don't know if you noticed that but the kid Kamala saves towards the end of the episode is the mosque's shoe thief, he was wearing nakia's shoes


Shocker, the straight white men's rights activists are upset at a brown girl getting attention for simply having a likeable personality.


This is also one of my favorite shows so far!!! I was able to watch the first episode with my niece. And it was lovely to experience it with her. I read some of the Ms. Marvel comics a few years ago, and I fell in love with Kamala. It was so exciting to pull the book out and read it with my niece after the show. I have been loving the diverse characters and stories that Marvel has been giving us lately. One of my favorite things to learn about is cultures/lifestyles different from my own. It was best thing about my old job because I worked on global teams that chaged frequently. So, I got to interact with many people from many places with different backgrounds. The world is a huge place filled with lots of people. And in the US, our media doesn't reflect that. So, I am so happy to see more diverse stories being told not in spite of it not being like my story but exactly because it isn't.


Nice catch!!!! Seems like that kid has some impulse control issues lol