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Posting this on the first day of pride seems wrong. :(


Dark Dynasty - Full Version.mp4

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Kim Rigg

I get why they killed her but the death scene was weak and what I mean by that is she did not get one - killed off screen really!! The character deserved better.

Kristin Dorner

In the 15 years this show was on the air, I rage quit twice: once in S7 after Bobby died and then after this episode. I think it’s safe to say that the vast majority of the fandom was LIVID after they killed off Charlie. It was just so…pointless. Like you were saying, if Sam had told Dean about it then they could’ve had Rowena and Charlie decoding in the bunker and this whole thing could’ve gone another way. This show has always had a habit of killing off female characters, characters who are POC, and queer characters. Or using their “sacrifice” to create brother drama and/or man-pain and guilt in one or both of the bros. And I know ppl are like “well they kill straight white dudes all the time and no one complains about that” but when the show is comprised of like 95% straight white dudes, it makes sense that more of them will get killed in the show. But of the 5% of more diverse characters, at least 75% of them get killed off! Pamela, Ellen and Joe, Rufus, Meg, Kevin, Charlie, the list goes on and on. Don’t get me wrong, I love this show so much, but I’ve never hated a show as equally as I loved it before. It’s a very hard juxtaposition to come to terms with. I mean I guess it says something that these characters are so well written that their stories are able to break our hearts. We all feel your pain😔💙


As much as I HATE Charlie's death and everything about it, it did bring one of my all time favourite Comic Con moments into being when a fan asked what made them decide to do it and the entire cast just TURNED AROUND and left the question to Jeremy Carver and Andrew Dabb. I will never not find that hilarious...


Same!! I doubled over laughing 🤣 So, so good.


Very well said, you articulated what i wanted to say so much better than i did

rose mnor

*sigh* I haven't watched your reaction video yet, Shelley, for obvious reasons. So my post here is based on my previous initial memory of watching this episode back when it aired last time. Charlie's death, like Dean's, was more or less predicted in my corner of Tumblr fandom where I usually lurked. Fans already speculated someone would die most likely as a consequence of Sam/Cas's actions in trying to save Dean, based on many foreshadowing and parallelism factors in earlier episodes. But fans were lulled into thinking that Charlie WAS not the one since one of the producers in previous years hinted, that Charlie was a safe character from that particular fate. But of course, time changed and her status as a safe character also changed. A week before this episode aired, per usual they released promo photos. And one of them is the below photo: https://www.ksitetv.com/news/supernatural-spoilers-dark-dynasty-preview-images/65577/nggallery/image/sn1023b_0023r-jpg/ And as usual, fans analyzed everything, and, one of them came up with this spec: Charlie looked like she is in front of a crypt-looking mausoleum-like structure with the word Brothers on the arch. From there, this particular fan speculated that Charlie will die in this episode, and was also speculated as a consequence of the 'Brothers' action. My heart sank. Because these kids were very very good at speculations based on numerous factors including but not limited to set designs - in fact, they successfully predicted that Dean would become a demon last season. As the episode progressed, feelings of trepidation and bad foreboding clouded my whole being, and, yeah.... that ending happened. And I was lucky in that it was not a surprise for me .... *sigh* I was on leave from work that particular day. This was a moment for me that we always asked ourselves 'where were you' moment as [insert thing] happened: - I had an appointment that day to accompany my father for his medical checkup. My eyes stung with unshed tears as I drove to pick up my dad, and I called my sister-in-law on my cell, and I wailed at her " ... they did it, they killed her..." (we already talked about the possibility that Charlie would die in this episode based on the above fan's spec). But I had to control my tears because, yeah, appointment and tv show .... Anyways ........ The next two episodes were epic, and I hope you will enjoy them, Shelley.

rose mnor

Charlie's creator, Robbie Thompson, talked about her and this episode at a conference held at DePaul University in 2015. An extract from the following fan's report was his opinion on the matter:- ".... Robbie was candid about his feelings regarding Charlie’s death. When he was writing 10.18 [Th Book of the Damned], he was asked to change Jacob’s last name to Stein because Frankenstein… His reaction: WHAT? Then he was told: Oh, and we killed Charlie. His reaction: Double what??! Apparently he tried to talk them out of it. He emailed. He offered an alternative. He sent sternly worded texts. So much so that Bob Singer quipped, “Okay counselor…” He went down swinging, but we all know he didn’t prevail. Somehow it makes me feel better to know he tried though – and that he loves Charlie (and Felicia) as much as we do. There were quite a few fans at the conference who stopped to tell Robbie how much having a queer character on Supernatural meant to them personally. Her importance is felt deeply by Robbie as well....." Source: https://fangasmthebook.com/2015/05/14/weekend-with-the-writer-supernaturals-robbie-thompson-at-depaul-university/


I went back and forth on it, but since you brought it up, I'm just going to weigh in on one thing, as a person "of color" -- a label, by the way, against which I frequently chafe as it's excruciatingly reductive, as though all non-white-presenting challenges are the same. These are some things I look out for: Is the person "of color" the first to die (in the horror movie) before we've had a chance to emotionally connect to him/her? Are people "of color" automatically paired off together because they're assumed to have things in common? Are the persons "of color" one-dimensional, without an external life or motivations outside of the (nominal) leads? Was the person "of color" textually necessitated to be a particular race for a plot point with him/her being otherwise undeveloped? (This was my problem with Bugs, not that anyone asked.) Is the person "of color" also LGBTQ, so the show can get a two-fer? (Gosh, that one... It used to happen *all the time* when I was growing up.) Were the roles the persons "of color" were given meaty, substantial roles they were likely happy to get? Not just for the paycheck? (Because, truthfully, many/most "of color" roles that are written to be "of color" are sh&tty or non-existent, and no one becomes an actor to be background "diversity".) Etc., etc. I recognize I can't speak for and I'm not attempting to speaking for everyone, but from my (Pollyanna?) perspective -- SPN could be argued to have had its issues with POC representation; however, with regard to *my* personal triggers, from my perspective, it did a lot -- a whole heckuva lot -- better than most shows, then and now. I give it an s-ton of credit for that.

Amye Sabin

Charlie's death is the one thing I think can send Dean over the edge and give in to the darkness of the Mark. Maybe Sam's death, as well, but right now Dean is pissed at Sam for lying to him, going behind his back, and pulling Charlie back into the B of the D. I don't think Dean will feel guilty at all, but I do believe he'll blame Sam and Cas.<p></p> <p>Yes, Charlie may have saved the day, but at what cost? Not only does it indirectly cause her death, but Rowena outwardly said that in order to break a curse, another curse has to be released. Like a future character will say "the world would survive with Demon Dean in the world, but Sam couldn't have that,"</p>

Brenda Lewis

I understand how upsetting it was to lose Charlie, she was a great character and there was so much story left to tell about her. But I got numbed to it all when Bobby died, when they killed him I knew no one else was safe. But it is very much like life for real. Death comes to people who don't deserve it and tragically too. This is not one of my favorite episode, personally I think the Styne family is a stupid plot. We will see what comes of all this very soon though, won't we.


This is the moment I fully checked out of the show. This senseless need to make everyone else a martyr for Sam and Dean's bs was bad enough when they sacrificed Bobby, Charlie should've been a strict no touching rule for that character. She brought such a needed energy the show was missing that this is just... I stopped watching in real time at this point so everything else is gonna be new to me after this if I do keep going

Vyka Raxdon

Ugh, I hated having to watch you watch this. You were so happy at the start and I knew how much this would hit you. I was so angry at this moment, it was such a god damn waste of such an amazing character. Gotta admit I cried again watching your reaction. The only upside I can say is get someone to show you the panel where someone asks why this was done and see the reaction of not only the fans but the actors too. Oddly, i think its good that this came up on pride, it shows that representation still gets ripped out of shows in ways that could be avoided. I get that they wanted to create a rift/blame between the boys but they could have had something less permenant happen. x