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Rewatch 9.mp4

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Helen Wood

I think this one deserves all the rewatches in the world. Dean is not obsessed with masculinity. Destiel shippers project all that nonsense onto him, There is nothing about liking or disliking musicals that would be threatening to his masculinity and this episode was written by a gay writer who has never portrayed Dean as homophobic or confused about his identity. One of my biggest objections to Destiel is that it so enthusiastically supports toxic masculinity, claiming Dean cannot be straight, because he sometimes cries and straight men don't cry or because he likes music and chick flicks and straight men are not allowed to like those things. More than one Destiel shipper has told me Dean is "coded" as gay and when I asked them to explain, they gave a list of the most offensive and homophobic stereotypes I have ever heard. Dean dislikes musicals because he is a rock fan and considers them frivolous. I relate to him a lot because that is how I feel about Disney songs.

Helen Wood

Eric Kripke never left the show and never stopped being a huge part of it. He just wasn't calling all the shots anymore, which is why the only people who think the first five seasons are it are the ones who never understood any of it in the first place. It remained Kripke's baby and was driven by his vision. All your questions about Chuck will be answered.


I completely agree. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with shipping in fan culture, but it definitely can get out of hand (especially in this case). It's frustrating any time anyone tries to force a particular sexuality onto another person or character (regardless of which one it is). It's kind of sad too because I think the show was trying to "acknowledge" those shippers and tell them "it's okay that you exist" and because of that acknowledgement people say that the show "queer-baited" which doesn't really work here I don't think. People just wanted something to be true so much that they saw it everywhere when it wasn't.


Kripke did leave the show after s5. Sara Gamble took over his position. He is listed as an executive consultant after that. He was in no way involved with the storylines/scripts after that. Even one as big as the series finale—Kripke did not even know how it was going to go down until Jensen called him after Jensen got the script and wanted to talk it over w him to see what he thought about it. At kripke’s request.. Jensen sent him the pages to read. This alone supports that kripke was no longer in the loop, he wasn’t consulted about how the series ending was going to go down, and the route the writers/producers chose for that etc, and only found out because jensen wanted to talk to him about it.