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Rewatch 8.mp4

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Love me some Bobby but I can't help but point out that they are boiling down Dean's base characteristics in that opening scene with him to reach back out to Sam since his family always forgets pie which makes him miserable? Deep or what? Hah!

Brenda Lewis

I love these rewatches so much.! I know you are only doing your top 5, but I really hope sometime there are more in our future. There is a lot of discussion about Sam and the blood. Personally, I always thought the blood gave Sam his abilities. Yellow eyes was looking for a child to do this when Dean went back in time. He said he was looking for parents for his special kids. the reason Mary died in the first place is she walked in on him. It really fits, but I think there are some inconsistencies in the writing that make it a bit ambiguous. I remember way back in Sn 3 when Sam killed Gorden where you could Sam's pupils expand and his iris became black. It started coming out then. But I think because he hadn't ingested more to that point and because he didn't actively try to develop his powers, they were just a step above being dormant. I think Ruby told him the power wasn't gone, just dormant. Like a muscle you haven't used. Anyway, I love this finale, it was #1 with Sn 8 at #2. Thanks for the rewatch Shelley always a great time. I can't wait for the next because I know how much you loved it.