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Everybody's Talking About J2.mp4

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Thank you, Linda! This is just what I needed today 💜

Brenda Lewis

Linda, I feel so lucky because you edit these fantastic, personalized videos for Shelley, and we all benefit. I loved the edit for "Drowning" so much! It was crazy good. And listening to people confirm what we already know about these guys just warms the heart. We all got to watch it with her for the first time too so that was so much fun.

Linda Moore

Thank you so much, Brenda! That's so kind of you to say! I really love editing the videos, and I love looking forward to Shelley's reaction. It's such an added, awesome bonus that other people seem to enjoy them too! So fabulous! I'm so happy you enjoyed my "Drowning" edit. Just fyi, and not to sound like a salesman or anything, but I have a bunch of other edits here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2T673LpDai7ZfDYQeYep_NCbADp-S3cW Should be able to just copy and paste that if you want and it will take you to the playlist. Nearly all my edits have spoilers though, so beware if you haven't finished the show. 😊 Of course, no pressure of any kind. Thanks again!! 💓