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#THINMAN - Full Version.mp4

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Linda Moore

Great reaction! This is an interesting episode. I always enjoy the Ghostfacers. They're such little goofs. The IRL version of thinman is called slenderman. I'm almost positive they did make a movie about him and yeah, two girls said that he told them to murder people. 😬😦 The parallel to Sam and Dean was definitely on the nose, and I usually enjoy a bit more subtlety, but I mostly enjoyed this one. Rewatching it, I enjoyed it more than I did the first time around because I notice more little moments between Sam and Dean. Allow me to share 😊: 1. I think it was actually good for them to be teamed up against a "common enemy" which they found in the Ghostfacers. 2. They're talking more "naturally" than they have in previous episodes, there was an ever-so-slight defrost in their interactions with each other, especially of course in the scene talking about Batman and Superman. 3. The scene where they're talking about Batman and Superman is ridiculously sweet. And even though it didn't immediately lead to a moment of "I forgive all, let's be besties again" you could see it reminding Sam of Dean's history of saving him, and caring for him, even at 9 years old. It may have also reminded Sam of just how deeply ingrained that need to care for him is, in Dean. 4. The moment when they're talking to Ed and he's confessing about making up thinman and Sam says, "Trust me, secrets ruin relationships" and Dean looks over at him guiltily, I think that was Dean realizing that while Sam is obviously angry that Dean tricked him into being possessed, it may be the fact that he lied about it for SO long that has Sam really mad. And I think maybe Dean is realizing how wrong that was. It struck me as a bit of a lightbulb moment for Dean. Especially cause immediately afterwards Ed says he'll tell Harry "when the time is right" and Dean says, "The time is right now, Chief." I think that's him admitting that he should have told Sam right away. 5. When Sam is talking to Harry and says "there are things you can forgive and things you can't...that's something you have to figure out for yourself." I think Sam is obviously talking to himself here, but maybe just realizing for the first time, that he's gonna have to decide if he can forgive it or not. That the whole "co-workers" thing isn't really sustainable. It's an improvement from 9x12 when Dean said they just needed a couple wins and they could move past it, but Sam said, "I don't think so, no. I wish, but..." He was pretty positive then that he couldn't get past it, but here at least we see that he's started questioning it. 6. When they're talking with the two "thinman" guys, they're 100% relying on each other and are an absolute team again. They're communicating without words, when Sam gives Dean that little nod that says, "I'm working on these cuffs, keep them talking." and Dean gets it and proceeds to do just that. Also Sam's panic when Roger is about to slit Dean's throat. That panic may have acted as a bit of a jolt to Sam to remind him what it feels like to be sure you're going to lose your brother. (I do get that it's also just horrific to watch someone be murdered in front of you, no matter who that is.) 7. At the very end when Harry is talking about riding alongside someone so long you start to think he'll always be there, I interpret the looks between Sam and Dean to be them really missing that relationship that they always had. Anyway, those are the things I gleaned on rewatch about the state of the boys' relationship. And I'm sure lots of people will disagree with my points, and maybe I'm just wishful thinking, but those were the things I noticed and how I interpretted them. (I found another little moment that has nothing to do with the boys' relationship, but was definitely interesting to see with all my spoilery knowledge of what lies ahead. Bwahaha! 😁) Definitely enjoyed this episode more on rewatch. I love the next episode SO much. Can't wait to see your reaction!

Kim Rigg

Not a fan of this episode mainly because I have never been a fan of the Ghost Facers. I always have mixed feeling about Season 9 because in the main I hated the first half of the season but from this point on I loved it apart from one episode. Really looking forward to the rest of S9


Agree it’s not one of the best episodes but is part of the boys’ journey.


Not rambles. I posted only sidenotes before reading your post because I knew you'd have found all the truffles already. 💜


Favorite rewatch moments -- Startled laugh when Shelley said something about Bart leading a faction & "just being a General Dick" which, in context, my brain reflexively turned into Bart's army title. Shelley said "I think you got it, girl," then "No" while the cold open girl was snapping selfies, which at first I thought meant "No, you didn't get it. Not a great pic" until I saw #thinman in the photo. ("Such shade? Oh wait--Shelley sees a threat.") Handlebars story. Reminded me of the boys' home episode. An oh-so-done "Sam, make him stop" from Dean while tied to a chair. (Oh-so-done Dean is among my favorite Deans.) Overall, don't love this episode, obviously. The A-storyline is…not clever in its parallels (and oversimplifies the current central conflict). But I love this durn show and still love season nine. Someone, please correct me if I'm wrong: this is the first time a human (villain) is killed by Sam or Dean?

Steve Quast

Like others have said, I'm not a fan of the Ghost Facers either, but at least in this episode they act like real people instead of cartoon characters whose sole purpose is to clown on the Winchesters. The monster-of-the-week aspect is kind of weak, but we have some decent character moments here that I appreciate.


Didn’t they have to kill at least one of the Benders? Honestly can’t remember…

Brenda Lewis

Other than seeing Harry and Ed it's a real meh for me. Mostly I wanted to hear your comments at the end. I like when they parallel Samand Dean, but this one was so blatant it seemed like lazy writing. i think all the amazing clever episodes they have spoil me for writing like this.


@Sarah Jay I think that was the cop rather than them, but I could be wrong.


Sam killed a human who was psychic in Season 7, I think…


I don't care much for this episode. It was a bit heavy handed on the paralleling to the Sam and Dean situation. I like the Ghostfacers - kind of. But I don't like the stories they have for them.


Oh! @Sare You might be right! The one with the bones in the bed in the mentalists episode...