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Heaven Can't Wait - Full Version.mp4

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rose mnor

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and yours, Shelley.

Christopher simeon

Amye. Healing one person is different then healing two people. Zeke has a juggling act going on. Let me explain. Zeke got in sam body at the end of 1. Let say sam is at 1% and zeke is at 50% He is healing Sam and himself. Sam is priority so he starts healing him first. By the start of two Sam is at 50% and zeke 52% Then episode 2 dean makes him fight and Sam gets beat up a bit knocking it down to 49% zeke have to use his powers is knocked down to 50% again. Then episode 3 sam is injured again by reaper and gets knocked down to 45% and zeke uses full energy to heal cas draining him down to 25% Then episode 4 Zeke fully heals Charlie knocking him down to 12.5% So much energy that he can not even erase sam memory of zeke name being called. Episode 5 Sam gets hit in the neck down to 35% and zeke heals again dropping him to 6% but now it is so low that he can not even stay and fight the threat and does not wake up when sam is knocked out. Sam feels better because he is getting better but zeke is using a lot of energy because of all the outside fighting which is why it is taking long.

Amye Sabin

@christopher, I’m not sure why you’re explaining this to me? I hadn’t commented on this video, and in fact mentioned on the last one this precise reason why Zeke might be too weak. Did you mean to explain to someone else? I was just confused why your comment was directed to me.