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The Capture of Benedict Arnold - Full Version.mp4

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Paul Fisher

This is my favorite episode too, so I really enjoyed the reaction. Perhaps I can clear up something that confused you: Benedict Arnold never defected TO the Americans, as you seemed to say. He was American, born in Connecticut and joined the Patriot cause in 1775. After he defected to the British in 1780, he led several attacks which burned American towns in Virginia and Connecticut and massacred American prisoners captured in some of those battles.

Paul Fisher

Even though this is my favorite episode, I have to complain about one thing. I don't know why they chose to base the evil Rittenhouse on a real person. David Rittenhouse was very real and the exact opposite of the character depicted in the show. Rittenhouse has always been one of my heroes so it seemed to me as bizarre as if they had made George Washington the villain. The real David Rittenhouse was an astronomer, mathematician, and gifted maker of clocks and scientific instruments. He was devoted to the Patriot cause and gave to it not only his money but also his time, serving in several organizations to aid the American Revolution. He also served as the second President of the American Philosophical Society, following his friend Benjamin Franklin, who was the first president of that organization, and preceding his friend Thomas Jefferson, who was the third. Jefferson said of Rittenhouse, "We have supposed Mr. Rittenhouse second to no astronomer living; that in genius he must be the first, because he is self-taught."