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Torn and Frayed - Full Version.mp4

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9:01 NO it’s not an assumption that Benny was the victim and acted on self defense remember? Elizabeth told Dean everything that Happened and how it was self defense… when Dean called Benny… benny said “I’m sorry I had no choice” and Dean told him it was okay bc Elizabeth told him everything. Lol I know you love to trash Dean but he’s right and speaking the truth. Sam however sent creepy Martin on deans best friend bc he’s being a jealous petty little brat. What if benny actually was the one killing ? Did it look like Martin was sane and ready to hunt? Sam put Martin in danger and he got him killed. His blood is on sams hands and of course… Sam thinks he never does anything wrong… and he knows benny better than dean… which is why he did that all behind deans back… bc if he felt good about it.. he would t have had to hide it would he ? We know Benny killed Martin in self defense.. bc we saw it and Dean confirmed that with Elizabeth. Can’t go rewriting history to make Sam the good guy girly! He’s not perfect.. it’s okay none of them are… but you come up with the most round about ways to make Sam look like the good guy even when he’s acting like a bad guy 😂 it’s actually interesting the mental gymnastics it takes to get there when he’s just being a dick lol sometimes your spot on though about him being the good dude other times as well… can’t get them all right I guess!


45:11 Sam didn’t give Dean a choice about Benny. Dean graciously told Sam to go get his girl…. And Sam told Dean it was totally fine if him and Benny were still fr- oh wait… that never happened and Sam never gave that same kindness to Dean. Pretty messed up . I just love Benny so much so that whole thing with Sam just really irritates me . Hate that storyline