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Survival of the Fittest - Full Version.mp4

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No not any nun would work.. they talked about that and that it had to be as pure of a nun as possible… long life of quiet servitude was what they chose

Daniel Lewis

Season 7 finished really strong with these last 4/5 plot heavy episodes and the set up for a great season 8.

Helen Wood

150 is not a very high IQ. Mine is 176 and I am no genius. They want people as stupid as possible.

Helen Wood

I think the reason some people hate Season 7 is precisely because it criticises a lot of contemporary American culture. Like you, I think that is one of its good points. Losing Cas for so long is painful and losing Bobby was hard, but we gained Charlie. Next season is even better and every season after raises the bar higher.

Luis Nov

I can't believe we're already here, it has been definitely a journey, that I must say, this season its still my least favorite but, watching it alongside your reactions made it so much enjoyable, specially with your thoughts at the end and I loved what you took from it with the insight to Humans as a species, really interesting. I remember you saying you could enjoy this season because there are still so much to see about the show, and knowing that it felt like you can deal with it but I understand why the fans that watched week to week hated it, after all this is the season when the show was almost cancelled because really bad ratings and over all I understand why, we lost Cas since ep 1, we lost baby and then Bobby. We sort of got everything back at the end but still the void in between made it hard to watch for some people with very little plot involve and like we said, having very low ratings it was the reason the "correct" those "mistakes" at the end of the season and got me wonder where were they leading to, we might never know. I've already wrote to much here 😅 Anyway, loved this episode, the epic moment when Baby was back its amazing and Bobby coming trough was needed for him to be at peace, so I like that and don't get me started with the Destiel moments in it 😅 don't you love when heaven and hell ships them? first Balthazar with "the one with the dirty trench coat who's in love with you" and then Meg with the "he was your boyfriend first" 💙 my question: One of the reasons I believe season 7 was so hyped at first was Godstiel at the end of s6 (forever mad that it lasted only 1 ep) so I wonder what would you have liked to see in that storyline and, you would have rather that or the Leviathan as the big bads of the season? Great reaction, and can't wait for what's next 🙌 PS: it's crazy how if this was OUAT you will be ending the show but for spn its nearly the halfway of it.


"show, if u don't want me to ship them stop saying stuff like that" big mood 😂, i will never forgive them for not showing us dean's reaction to seeing cas naked covered in bees, season 7 isn't my favorite but i had more fun watching it with you & i am so excited for season 8 😍. Here are some questions: What was your favorite & least favorite things about season 7 & where does it lie in your ordering seasons from best to worst list? We were introduced to three new characters this season, garth, charlie & kevin rate them from fav to least fav? - Do u want dean & cas to be back on earth first episode or do u want them to stay in purgatory for a bit & why do u think cas disappeared at the end? - What do u think Sam will do now that he's left all alone? U don't have to answer all 4 questions, u can pick just one or none at all 🥰


This episode is next to last in my personal list of season finales. I am just not a fan of the season, though there are some episodes I really like. I greatly appreciate and agree with the commentary the season makes on America and humanity in general, however that just did not make for an exciting storyline for me. I loved your excitement at seeing Baby return in the episode. It was an epic return, but it pains me to see it crash into that sign though it didn’t look too worse for wear (at least the body, but idk about the undercarriage).

Brenda Lewis

It was very satisfying to see the last of Dick. He was so creepy and even made Crowley seem not so bad. The actor who played him seemed to have a lot of fun with the part. Total props to him for making one of the best big bads on the show so far. I know many say they don't like season 7, but I have always enjoyed it. So much happens and we get quite a few new characters. Yes we lose Bobby all over gain, but when he came back we knew it wasn't really going to last. My favorite thing about this season is how well it sets up for events that follow. I see this season as a transition season. The story went so far out in the first 5, into heaven, into hell. I always felt in 6 & 7 the demons dealt with were inner ones. Both Sam and Dean needed to deal with being in hell and what it did to them and they were able to do that by once again saving the world from the big mouths. Anyway I'm as ever, excited for Sn 8 and where we go from here.


While this isn't my favorite season, I still like it, and the finale was pretty good. I will admit though that I never liked the ghost!Bobby storyline. I think Death's Door was such an amazing and beautiful tribute to Bobby that I kind of feel bringing him back as a ghost (that goes vengeful) kind of cheapens it a little bit imo. With that said, I do love Bobby and it's hard to see him go either way. I love Cas choosing to man up and fight in the end. Trippy emo Cas was fun while it lasted, but I'm glad we're back to at least somewhat sane Cas. Crowley appears to be the winner here. He got Kevin and Meg in the end and Dick is gone. Poor Sam is all alone. :(

Amye Sabin

Remember that the only way to ensure a demon deal is by kissing. And Dick said he wouldn't kiss him, so the deal w/Crowley was never valid. Crowley was just stalling Dick. I think Crowley didn't know that Cas &amp; Dean would end up in Purgatory, but he wanted the Prophet (and Meg). He's got a reason, and I hope we'll find out soon. He's my favorite character and Mark does a tremendous job.<p>Now we have to figure out how to get Dean &amp; Cas out of Purgatory. Only the angels that were in that specific garrison are dead. I don't remember if they said that was Castiel's garrison, or not.</p><p>I'm glad we got closure on Bobby, but it was hard to see him attack that woman and Sam. That's one of the reasons I don't like S7. I think it's one of the weakest season. The last few episodes were very very good, but so much in the middle was lame. They didn't build up the Leviathan as bad as they could've. </p>


Meg is definitely more trustworthy than Ruby cause she doesn't play qt being good. She admits she doesn't care about humans and will only really work with you if it helps her do something and kinda if she gets to spend time with Cas. Crowley fucked everyone


Dick asked crowley to give sam &amp; dean blood of a random demon, so it would still be demon blood but it wouldn't be his own so it wouldn't work coz they need the blood of the king of the fallings


Season 7 Gets alot of Hate i think mainly cause of Bobby and Cass not Being around for 3/4 of the season. But i do believe its one of the better Seasons Too Date!