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There Will Be Blood - Full Version.mp4

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Brenda Lewis

As I started to type a comment I realized that every direction I was trying to go crept into spoiler area. This episode reminds me of a chess game, a four sided game. The board is being set and the outcome of all this will hopefully reveal in the finale. I do like the Alpha, although taking kids is just creepy as fuck. I also loved him saying see you next season, that was priceless. So now it comes down to Crowley, what is he going to do. The ultimate gamesman, he's going to take the best offer. Will that be helping Sam and Dean or help Dick? I know if nothing else he can trust Sam and Dean. Dick Roman double-crossed the monsters, would he do the same to demons? He doesn't have anymore regard for them, but he knows he needs to make a deal too if he wants to thwart our boys. And is Bobby still walking around inside that poor woman, they didn't resolve that. I am really looking forward to the finale.


Yes, I love the “See you next season,” line from the alpha vamp. Meta SPN is my favorite. I love Rick Worthy’s performance as the Alpha Vamp. I just about died, though, lol when the girl turned out to be on his side. Bobby 🥺 Lol, RIP Ranger Rick 🙃 Same as you, the competence kink was strong for Sam and Dean this episode…aside from eating captured but that can be overlooked as they escaped nicely and got the little boy out with them.


This is a fun episode. A lot of mystery and like Brenda said above, it's kind of like a game of chess. I love Rick Worthy as the Alpha Vamp. He's exactly what an alpha should be. He feels ancient and intelligent, yet he's also somewhat desperate to save his children. Also, no matter what people think about the leviathan storyline, James Patrick Stuart, is wonderful as Dick Roman. Incredibly creepy and quite frankly reminds me of about every politician and business leader in our nation, which of course is the point. Sigh...ghost Bobby. I'll say more about that later on because I don't want to talk spoilers. Crowley...what will he do? That's the big question at the moment. He always feels like a wild card.