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731 - Full Version.mp4

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With the greatest of respect, you missed a lot of information, (including what 731 referred to,) because you were talking and joking so much about other things. It made it really frustrating to watch. I was looking forward to seeing you watch this episode, but it was spoilt by there being far too much banter - and not even about the X-Files.

Demijan Omeragic

The previous episode ("Nisei") explains what 731 is referring to. Mulder talks about it with Scully in their office.

Demijan Omeragic

I have to agree with this. I have nothing against reactors commenting, even if it's not X-Files related, during scene transitions for example. But when it's taking place during important moments in an episode, it significantly lowers the quality of the reaction video, and first and foremost the reactors themselves are missing important information in order to fully understand what's going on. I still enjoyed this video, but yeah, you missed information in both the previous one ("Nisei") as well as this one ("731"). All of this could be solved by simply hitting the pause button whenever a lengthier discussion seems to be developing between the two of you, and then resuming the episode after a minute or two. The vast majority of X-Files episodes are really information packed, especially mythology episodes, and therefore the dialogue between characters is very important. Missing even just two or three sentences a character says can be enough to make you confused later on. My two cents.